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130 Posted Topics
Re: Try not to think of this quote in regaurds to any previous quotes, I think this one's one of the funniest I have ever heard: "Just close your eyes and think of england. "--Lady Hillingdon When you look it up you will either think it is the funniest thing in … | |
Re: Shout boxes are interesting, they basically just display all user input that is submitted via button to the web page. I believe some of them use session state on the server to use only a limited number of posts, removing the oldest n from a circular buffer. Alternatively you could … | |
Re: Well, let's remember there are three types of hackers, white hat, black hat, and gray hat. Two of them are illegal. One is not. White hats work as penetration testers on corporate networks, they are essentially testing the security of the network in question, and are paid to break in … | |
Re: Well, at least trump does not use home made email servers for top secret documents. Anybody else would be thrown in jail for that. There is a slew of regulations about that. So at least he is not making insecure email servers for every wannabe hacker and foreign intelligence agency … | |
Re: One of the pain points I have had with danni web is that there is not a very good turn around time with this site as compared to stack overflow, perhaps your main competition. This is problably not addressable, because your clientelle is smaller for the time being. Some of … | |
Re: I noticed this too. I also noticed that some people think it's just straignt C, which is incorrect, due to the implementation of the common language runtime, JIT compiler, and MISTLE code. It is a high level language like Java, in fact java has copied some C# functionality recently, the … | |
How do I start a MonoDevelop software program as a system service on Windows, Linux, and Mac? Windows appears to not have a system service setting. I have a WCF service that essentially runs from command line. Even if I have to run from command line, I will need to … | |
Hello all, I was wondering if I could get some questions answered about how cupons work in the work place. I have an idea which involves creating a very flexible cupon service, but would require knowing the rudiments of how cupons work. The main question I have is how is … | |
This may sound wierd, or easy, I just don't have a statistics background. How do I alter the statistical value of an array of emmitted random numbers? I am completely capable of using ranges, or creating an algorithim, I just need pseudo code or a brief description to guide me … | |
I would like to be able to open a port on windows programatically. I don't care whether is power shell, or something else, but I would like it to be a script that I can simply run as I install a software program. I have no experience in this area, … | |
Re: It's called WPF, windows presentation forms, or alternatively WCF, windows communication framework. WPF is a graphical user interface, whereas WCF is a communication framework for distributed computing. | |
Re: Read this book; Genetic Algorithms in Java Basics 1st ed. Edition by Lee Jacobson (Author), Burak Kanber (Author) | |
Re: At the very least you will need to research the technologies you will be utilizing for locational data. For sql server this will be the spatial functionality, for postgre sql you would use postgis, or perhaps something else, I have only heard about postgis, there could be other technologies. Oracle … | |
Re: Right, you could have your class that is pulled from the table implementing a calculated method based on that date diff (a getter). I use object relational mappers. If you need to query such values you use sql functionality to calculate that date diff. | |
Re: We probably don't even need to create a super AI, we just need clever software which applies heuristics and AI type functionality to our domain specific problems which appers to have an inspired response to problems, but in fact is operating well within the bounds of our intended software architecture. … | |
Re: I have an extremely dated book called "Beginning ASP.NET E-Commerce in C#" by Cristian Darie and Karli Watson. Unfortunately the tech in the book is old. It's vanilla ASP.NET, instead of ASP.NET MVC. It does go over the fundamentals of this however. I am trying to transcribe it to something … | |
I started working on a windows forms authentication project, which uses nhibernate, and has some management pages for managing user settings, such as resetting user password. This forms based authentication uses session state in order to save the user's authentication information. I will be using a special authentication attribute in … | |
Re: You could use an object relational mapper and JSON.NET to read the JSON into a model, and then persist the data to a database table, relational style. I have never stored JSON in the actual database. The Object relational mapper could then read the object into the model, and JSON.NET … | |
Re: A regular expression or reflection may work. | |
This is surprisingly difficult. Consider it a snippet. Deletes all tables from a sql server schema. Useful for those times on your dev machine where you need to tear down all the cruft that has built up on your server due to refactoring of object relationally mapped tables. --Author: Cameron … | |
Re: All e-commerce sites require SSL, otherwise people can skim your user's credentials as well as their Credit card numbers. Essentially they craft a regex that matches the credit card number that is applied to a certain page which is returned to the server. The man in the middle acquires the … | |
Re: I have like a $900 one because I need to run virtual machines on it for my servers. It was a gaming one. Has a glut of RAM, and supports Hyperthreading, which from what I understand is very good. Hyperthreading essentially has one CPU but it timeshares the CPU among … | |
Re: No, you are wrong. C is not C#. C# is built on a common language runtime with a just in time compiler. C# is c-esque, but not C. C# is more akin to a refined language such as Java. In fact Java has recently tried to emulate some of C# … | |
Re: One of the things I had to learn is first, there is always a database. Second, always go back to the database in order to get current data, don't rely on cached values, each page always goes to the database for all persistance. Furthermore your database entries should reflect your … | |
I had a cool idea concerning threading in C#. I was reading a book called "CLR via C#" and it was discussing threading, and how people should seldom use actual thread objects, and instead should use the thread pooling services. The reason being they spool up worker threads for you … | |
Ok, So I have an instance of **Windows Server 2012 R2** installed to a virtual machine on my local development PC with **IIS** . The idea being I need to practice and learn about how to deploy sites to web servers. I have tinkered around with some of the settings, … | |
Re: I hope it is not too intrusive for me to provide a little sample code... The object relational mapper would probably be your own responsibility. Object relational mappers pull objects out of the database and map them to properties in your objects, the model. You would have to determine the … | |
I have a bootstrap view which I am trying to get a modal working for. Unfortunately the modal is displaying as part of the page, not invisable. So it is displaying with it's content as part of the page. Here is my code: <!-- Placing excel upload modal here... --> … | |
Does anybody know whether System.Data.SqlLite has the capability to do a Change notification callback when one of it's tables is changed? I know that Python can do it by calling the C api, but This is kind of beyond me. I know I have done this before on an oracle … | |
I need some help building a bootstrap Angular UI modal. This is what I have so far, but I am pretty sure it is wrong. Any assistance would be good. This actually appears to be doing mostly bootstrap stuff. It was originally jquery, but I figured out the hard way … |
The End.