286 Topics

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Want to buy a Dell machine loaded with Linux? Shame, as it appears that Dell Europe would really rather you bought a Windows-powered one, despite having a website devoted entirely to selling Dell Ubuntu laptops. And, oh boy, does it use some strange arguments to dissuade you from becoming a …

Member Avatar for simhakidsden
Member Avatar for Johannes C.

**With the decline of industry and post-colonial exploitation, Europe should aim to become a global leader in the tech and service industry. But as the EU increasingly complicates the process for startups to thrive, the economic outlook appears bleak.** If you've missed recent AI news, **[Claude Opus now outperforms GPT-4 …

Member Avatar for aishamushtaq
Member Avatar for Johannes C.

**Find out how a lack of understanding and accountability in government spending could be burning your tax dollars in the rush to fund AI projects.** ![tax-money-wasted.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/781cd43a2d89a6b6911cc5c6a09f0f8b.jpg) Talking about AI is all over the place these days, and debates on risks, ethical concerns, and copyright issues are getting plenty of airtime. …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

We haven't had any really silly discussions going on here for some time so let me start one with these two items: Is it just me, or does Lauren Boebert (at least in the outrage/rant photos) look like Margaret Hamilton in The Wizard of Oz? and speaking of green things... …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I think I finally understand why Trump is doing so well (he recently pulled even with Hillary Clinton). It's only after years of shows like American Idol and America's Got Talent that his rise is possible. These shows got Americans used to the idea that they could vote with no …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

As President Obama's economic stimulus package winds its way through the politico, people in the tech sector wait with bated breath to find out what it will mean for the IT industry. Of particular interest is the section of the bill that details how the administration plans to go about …

Member Avatar for Steven Kenneth
Member Avatar for rproffitt

The title of the new employee training module alone was a sign that times have changed. This topic never came up in all my years at any job. Here's the boil down of the course. > If there is an active shooter in the area, we suggest you first run …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

Guardian newspaper columnist [Dawn Foster](https://twitter.com/DawnHFoster) posted images on Twitter this weekend showing how she was able to login to the official Conservative party conference app as Boris Johnson, until recently the UK Foreign Secretary. Not only was there no password required to login to the app, all that was required …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I've been using GenuTax since 2013 to file my Canadian tax return. It's provided free and does the job nicely, but it misses one feature. Up north we can do pension splitting. That means I can offload some of my pension income onto my spouse, hopefully putting us in a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Happy 150th birthday to all of the Canadian Daniweb members. ![DSCF4166.JPG](/attachments/large/3/02ce0218964c94dddb8a85068c2570bb.JPG "align-center")

Member Avatar for Agilemind
Member Avatar for happygeek

Jolly good luck, indeed. I hope you don't need it, but watching from over the pond it looks like there are going to be some very short fingernails by tomorrow...

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

A note to everyone on Daniweb who is eligible to vote this November, especially young voters who show up in notoriously low numbers. This is not like making a bad decision, knowing your parents are there to save you. There is no safety net. There is no do-over. If you, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

Hey fellas, Do you think it's possible to live in a organized society that doesn't have a government? And why? I can't remeber when I lost faith in our current system, it's been a while for sure. Year after year is getting more clearer to me that we need radical …

Member Avatar for Agilemind
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

How is it that the government that tells us that they need a back door into encryption because the tool that we use to safeguard our privacy can also be used by "bad guys" for evil purposes, completely forgets this argument when it comes to guns? "Yeah, bad guys use …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The election is over and it looks like fear loses, at least for now. Our former Conservative government, led by Stephen Harper, went down in flames to the Liberals, led by Justin Trudeau. Thus ends a decade of Conservative rule that was slowly turning Canada into the US. One of …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for happygeek

As [news breaks](http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2015/06/12/office-of-personnel-management-hack-china/71146452/) that a second breach at the federal Office of Personnel Management may have seen another set of data, potentially more valuable than that accessed during [the first](http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/06/why-the-biggest-government-hack-ever-got-past-opm-dhs-and-nsa/), Philip Lieberman, President of privileged identity management specialists [Lieberman Software](http://www.liebsoft.com/), has been talking about what went wrong. Here's what he …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for PixelandtheWolf

Many of you probably have read about [Google's announcement](http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2015/03/an-update-on-doorway-pages.html) on Doorway pages. Whether or not this ranking signal has come into full swing yet is debatable, but regardless, I'd prefer to be pro-active if anything occurs. For those of you who don't know what a Doorway page is, [VolumeNine did …

Member Avatar for iamrichard
Member Avatar for happygeek

In what has quite possibly been one of the longest periods between security problems being revealed and action being taken, the Virginia Board of Elections voted on Tuesday to remove the certification of more than 300 AVS WINVote touchscreen voting machines. The Virginia Information Technology Agency, and consultancy Pro V&V, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for happygeek

I notice that diafol is a bit quiet this year when it comes to the Six Nations. Can't imagine why :) Saying that has probably just guaranteed a butt-kicking by Ireland for England now (actually don't mean that, think it will be a really tough and close game though). Ditto …

Member Avatar for XP78USER
Member Avatar for happygeek

So, a bunch of US financial institutes have been hacked. Nothing new there, if we are being brutally honest. The newsworthyness in this particular case comes courtesy of one of those organisations apparently being none other than JP Morgan Chase. USA Today reported yesterday that a federal law enforcement official …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

This is likely to be of interest to only the Canadian members of DW, but I would like to hear anyone's thoughts about the upcoming Quebec election and the possibility of another referendum, especially in light of recent setbacks in Scotland's move toward indepenedence.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for diafol

Anybody else going to be glued to it this year? First result already in: Wales 23 : 15 Ireland Italy were very good, Wales rather indifferent. Great to see Italy attacking and playing with width. They may take a few unexpected scalps this season. Well, they did last year too, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to a [report](http://www.fireeye.com/resources/pdfs/fireeye-operation-ke3chang.pdf) from researchers at US security outfit FireEye, a number of computers belonging to diplomats attending the G20 summit in Russia three months ago, including at least five European foreign ministries, were successfully targeted by Chinese hackers. FireEye researchers had monitored a server, one of 23, used …

Member Avatar for Dearden

I completely understand the government getting rid of food stamps & WIC for the adults but there is no reason the government should shut down WIC for the newborn babies that need formula Formula comes in at $15 per can and only lasts every 2-3 days thats not cheap at …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for HoverportMedia

Only recently, I've seen more and more webpages that are violating the US Digital Millenium Copyright Act, via Google's search engine. Am I the only one that's noticing this happening more so recently? It really struck me today when I did a search for web design backgrounds.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

A Freedom of Information request from staff at the UK offices of the Huffington Post has revealed, according to a BBC report on the story, that more than 300,000 attempts were made to access pornographic websites from the Houses of Parliament during the last 12 months. Of course, just looking …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for techmantrasus

I receive an error message when i install an Office Software or open an Office program or document.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for peleckis

Hi there, I'm getting tired looking for affordable servers in mentioned countries. Some of the providers such as server4you.com (power x6) are offering good prices and locations, but they are going to provide only 4 IP addresses, which is too small amount for us. Other ones had good servers but …

Member Avatar for LastMitch

The End.