1 in 5 Adults Can't See This and Don't Want to

slfisher 1 Tallied Votes 722 Views Share

According to a new study from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 21 percent of American adults do not use the Internet. And of those, 90 percent say they have no intention of using the Internet in the future.

Among the non-internet users, 34 percent do have some relationship with the online world, ranging from living in a home with an Internet connection or having used the Internet at some point in the past.

As far as reasons, 48 percent say they are too busy or not interested, while 21 percent are concerned about the price and 18 percent cite usability concerns, such as that it is too difficult or they don't know how. Surprisingly, only 6 percent said they didn't have Internet access.

These statistics are down slightly from a similar study Pew did in January, 2009. In that study, 25 percent of adults weren't on the Internet at all and were unlikely to change, with 33 percent of them not being interested and 13 percent of them not having access.

In general, however, the statistics are not greatly changed from the 2009 study, Pew said. The one major exception is in African-Americans, where the broadband-adoption gap between blacks and whites has been cut nearly in half. (A survey earlier this year found a big jump in interest in the Latino population.)

Interestingly, the survey went on to ask users about government efforts to expand broadband access. 26 percent of Americans say that expansion of affordable broadband access should not be attempted by government, 27 percent said it was "not too important" a priority, 30 percent said it was an important priority, and 11 percent said it should be a top priority.

However, "Those who are not currently online are especially resistant to government efforts to expand broadband access," Pew said. "Fully 45 percent of non-users say government should not attempt to make affordable broadband available to everyone, while just 5 percent of those who don't use the Internet say broadband access should be a top federal government priority. Younger users (those younger than age 30) and African Americans were the most likely to favor expanded government efforts towards broadband access, while older Americans were among the least likely to back the expansion of affordable broadband access as a government priority."

joelchrist -9 Posting Whiz

It is really a great report, that stills some adults not using Internets. That amazing fact.

Member Avatar for diafol

Tell you what - I wish I was one of the 90% of the 21%. How much of my life have I wasted online? I used to have friends - I mean real ones. I used to go down the pub. I used to actually do things. I rue the day I ever started messing with an old 286. If I need to to speak to my kid, I have to facebook him from downstairs. Pity we can't roll back the clock. Tim Berners-Lee wouldn't even hear the hammer fall.

rje7 2 Junior Poster in Training

I have to facebook him from downstairs

haha nice one..

rickskathy 0 Newbie Poster

These is one of the great efforts in all these there are several things can be possible these all are one of the amazing to know about it these all are great to know about it. It is really great for the on line.

koma312 0 Newbie Poster

Dang headline.. I was expecting some sort of visual along the lines of an optical illusion of which increased internet exposure may help/train ones brain to intuitively interpret said illusion. Something akin to those high frequency audio clips that most adults cannot hear and kids use as ringtones.. What a letdown.. No offense daniweb, good article and all it's just I have A.D.D.

cceerpp 0 Newbie Poster

If I need to to speak to my kid, I have to facebook him from downstairs. Pity we can't roll back the clock. Tim Berners-Lee wouldn't even hear the hammer fall.

This is quite sad.

redxtransport 0 Newbie Poster

Great Information but i think about one thing that if this details are of America then what about other countries like China, India ...... I think percentage about internet in these country will surprise all world.

I really surprised after read this details.


pgmco -2 Junior Poster

In 20 years it will be much less.

darrylpatterson 0 Light Poster

Sometimes though, I think that being disconnected from the Web is actually a good thing. I mean, I'm not saying the Internet is bad or anything, but all this exchange of information at an incredibly fast rate is affecting how society interacts. It's hard to explain, but I think ardav gets my point.

netvani -3 Junior Poster in Training

That still a great news. There are still people who are enjoying the usual and traditional ways of communication and interactions. We can do many things via Internet and those are good opportunities but always remember that withe proper and right ways of engaging with Internet are necessary.

narcisalin -3 Newbie Poster

Nice article...I think will always be not online people

Emma Johns 0 Junior Poster in Training

i agree with darrylptterson, now we are getting closer on social networks but getting away from each other in real social life. we are connected to people in far off countries but loosing connections with our immediate relations.

TopCat23 0 Newbie Poster

Does anyone else find the online world scary? I mean if we keep going the way we have been going then we will be spending more time communicating online than face to face. More businesses are becoming online based, more people work from home. Will face to face communication end one day?

<M/> 170 Why so serious? Featured Poster

There should be a new study stating that the internet makes most users dumber...

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