The advent of new digital marketing using e-mail has enabled markers to maintain continuous quality dialogue with customers and prospects. Every forward-thinking company is using various innovative techniques to get the maximum mileage from the limited marketing budget. saleslistsonline thinks Among the various strategies used to narrow down targeting customers/prospects, is through segmentation of the customer database.

Email segmentation as core strategy lies in the identification of layers of buyers within a market sharing similar needs, customer behavior and buying strategy. The essential knowledge and identification of each customer from the universal database of the organization helps to reach them with quality offers.

Contrary to the general belief, email segmentation doesn’t have to be complicated.

Major understanding of the customer should be as follows:

*What messages will be make them to react favorably to your product or service?

*Which all groups within your database are happy to get a discount offer, and how many will purchase when free shipping is offered?

*What portion of your target audience are ‘early adopters’, who need to be among the very first to hear about your new products?

*How often do they want to hear from you?

Lisa Brown

The advent of new digital marketing using e-mail has enabled markers to maintain continuous quality dialogue with customers and prospects. Every forward-thinking company is using various innovative techniques to get the maximum mileage from the limited marketing budget. saleslistsonline thinks Among the various strategies used to narrow down targeting customers/prospects, is through segmentation of the customer database.

Email segmentation as core strategy lies in the identification of layers of buyers within a market sharing similar needs, customer behavior and buying strategy. The essential knowledge and identification of each customer from the universal database of the organization helps to reach them with quality offers.

Contrary to the general belief, email segmentation doesn’t have to be complicated.

Major understanding of the customer should be as follows:

*What messages will be make them to react favorably to your product or service?

*Which all groups within your database are happy to get a discount offer, and how many will purchase when free shipping is offered?

*What portion of your target audience are ‘early adopters’, who need to be among the very first to hear about your new products?

*How often do they want to hear from you?

Lisa Brown

nice article... thanks for sharing your idea

Once an email list member has become a client, it's time to move them to a different level of list where they receive emails that are designed for clients and not prospects. There is nothing that can create more cognitive dissonance than for an existing client to receive an email marketing to them as if they were a prospect offering them a better deal than they just received. If your firm has a wide line of distinct product lines, it's best to address your prospects and clients by product line. Give this segment specific offers or content relevant to the product line they are interested in or purchased.

THere's numerous other methods of segmentation....maybe break it down by perceived positioning:

• By product difference
• Product attributes or benefits
• Product-users
• Product usage
• Against a particular competitor
• Against an entire product category
• By association
• By problem

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