743 News Story Topics
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What do you use Twitter for? Telling your circle of online friends what you are up to? As an alternative to email? Maybe a little bit of legal celebrity stalking? Perhaps, but if you are an Indian Twitter user the chances are you are treating it primarily as an online … Digital Marketing social-media | |
As many of you know, DaniWeb was hit by a Google algorithm update back in November 2012 and we lost about 50% of our search traffic. In investigating the issue, I discovered that DaniWeb, in addition to most other programming forums out there, all lost their google traffic to [StackOverflow](http://www.stackoverflow.com). … | |
SEO is a term that is much in use in the recent times and has attained huge popularity amongst the companies eager to create their websites an also amongst the website designers who are being hired for the job. If this term is to explain then you need to understand … | |
Google's seemingly always changing indexing algorithm continues to hit site rankings as the search giant continues to drive a new generation of SEO relying upon original and relevant content generation and sharing above all else. Now a panel of SEO experts in the UK has warned that companies need to … | |
According to the [Australian Federal Police](http://www.afp.gov.au/), it would appear that at least half a million credit cards 'down under' have been compromised and funds in excess of AUS $25 million (US $26 million) stolen. Although precise details are still coming in, it would seem likely that nothing more complicated than … Digital Marketing cybersecurity ecommerce | |
Radiohead are a band which does not need to prove anything to anyone. Their seminal album 'OK Computer' is consistently voted one of the greatest recordings of all time, be it the critics or mere mortal music fans putting the crosses in the boxes. Which is perhaps why the latest … Digital Marketing advertising audio business-entrepreneurship | |
One of the great things about social media is the way that it utilises the wisdom of crowds. This concept is perhaps best known through Wikipedia, where user editing can often create some wildly inaccurate entries in the short term but over time these get corrected by the larger volume … Digital Marketing advertising social-media | |
Advert blocking software is thought to be used by something in the region of just five per cent of online users, or 150 million people of you prefer. It is, however, on the up; research conducted by Adobe and anti-adblocking campaigners PageFair suggests that ad blocking use rose by 70 … Digital Marketing advertising digital-publishing legal | |
The recently revised Facebook community standards page states that the social network is on a mission "to give people the power to share and make the world more open" however it appears that it may have been giving the wrong people the power to share stuff you thought was private. … Digital Marketing cybersecurity daniweb-bug image social-media | |
As with any online service that starts to get popular traction and experiences rapid growth, social network come micro-blog platform Tumblr has been the target of just about every kind of scam and attempted cyber-criminal subversion out there [inclduing some of its own making](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/social-media-and-communities/news/459258/tumblr-warns-users-to-change-password-after-security-mess). Most of the time it's not … Digital Marketing cybersecurity social-media virus-malware | |
I don't usually write about acquisitions and all that financial stuff, but news that PayPal has acquired CyActive caught my eye as apparently this brings the promise of 'bio-inspired predictive security' into the online payments provider threat protection mix. Which made me think, just what the heck is bio-inspired predictive … Digital Marketing cybersecurity ecommerce virus-malware | |
Cancer is a terrible disease which it has claimed the life of a well known technology journalist and a well known coder within the last couple of weeks. Now Facebook has been diagnosed as being in the final stages of that online cancer which is a disregard for user privacy, … Digital Marketing cybersecurity social-media | |
Teens just love using social networks for everything from [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220006.html"]posting naked photos online[/URL] to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story218938.html"]wasting time during class at school[/URL]. We also know that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story219438.html"]parents have little idea what teens get up to online[/URL] but, it would appear, the teen online love affair has not gone unnoticed by young hackers … Digital Marketing abuse cybersecurity social-media | |
When 'Thefacebook' first launched in February 2004, access was initially restricted only to students of Harvard University where Mark Zuckerberg was a student. Facebook went on to become something of a success, with the social network [controversially being valued at more than $100 billion](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/social-media-and-web-communities/news/423739/is-the-facebook-bubble-ready-to-burst#post1810124).  Microsoft must have been … Digital Marketing microsoft seo social-media web-browser | |
The annual 'Black Friday' discounted shopping storm is no longer just an American event; it's hit the UK like a hurricane today. Last night police were called to four different supermarkets with heavily discounted televisions after large crowds started to gather for the midnight opening. At one Asda store (a … Digital Marketing client-server cybersecurity ecommerce | |
Research results just published by digital marketing agency Visibility IQ would appear to confirm what the savvy marketeer already knows: social video is an important driver for engagement and purchase behaviour amongst online consumers.  The research, conducted by Entertainment Media Research Ltd, was based upon interviews with more … Digital Marketing advertising business-entrepreneurship streaming-service video | |
There's a truism that I like to share with as many people as possible: if you don't want other people to see something, then don't post it online. It is, you might think, a pretty simple concept to grasp. After all, you wouldn't stroll into a bar with a megaphone … Digital Marketing cybersecurity social-media | |
Goodwill Industries International, a network of 165 community-based agencies in North America, has been breached. This follows a previous announcement of a potential attack back in July. After an extensive forensic investigation lasting a month, Goodwill has now [confirmed](http://www.goodwill.org/press-releases/goodwill-provides-update-on-data-security-issue/) that "a third-party vendor’s systems" were indeed "attacked by malware, enabling … Digital Marketing cybersecurity ecommerce virus-malware | |
An interesting [post](http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.in/2014/08/https-as-ranking-signal_6.html) appeared yesterday in the official Google Online Security and Webmaster Central blogs which confirms that in an effort to "make the Internet safer" it has been testing a system which looks at "whether sites use secure, encrypted connections as a signal in our search ranking algorithms." This … | |
First there was Panda, and then there was Penguin, but is there now Ghost as well? Webmasters will immediately know what I'm talking about as far as Penguin and Panda are concerned: updates to the Google search results ranking algorithm designed to make the search experience more relevant for end … | |
It's an interesting question, and one that's being raised by Gartner which is predicting that [URL="http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=1392716"]the number of wireless e-mail users will reach an incredible one billion[/URL], worldwide, by the end of 2014. A number that's not too hard to accept, given that earlier this year global business wireless e-mail … Digital Marketing email social-media | |
The latest major online outfit to suffer from a breach is Bitly, the url shortening service beloved by users of Twitter and Facebook. According to a statement from Bitly CEO Mark Josephson, the company has "reason to believe that Bitly account credentials have been compromised."  Although Josephson insists … Digital Marketing cybersecurity social-media | |
The US military is apparently making good use of a secure Facebook-like system for networking which already has hundreds of user groups and thousands of members. Known as "milBook" the system has been embraced by the Department of Defense for the way it can open up safer avenues of communications … Digital Marketing social-media | |
If a week is a long time in politics, then 24 hours is an absolute age in ecommerce security terms. Which make the findings of a Tripwire survey, published today, all the more worrying. The survey, conducted by Atomic Research, questioned 102 financial organizations and 151 retail organizations which process … Digital Marketing cybersecurity ecommerce | |
So this morning I get an email from Amazon which promises to inform me of some important information about my Amazon Prime membership. This is the subscription service which, in return for an annual charge of £49 here in the UK, provides free next day delivery on any item which … Digital Marketing | |
It was once the biggest Bitcoin exchange in the world, accounting for as much as 80% of the global trading market in the virtual currency, but Mt. Gox suddenly stopped trading yesterday and reports suggest that some $375m worth of Bitcoins, or 6% of all Bitcoins in circulation, have gone … Digital Marketing cryptocurrency ecommerce finance | |
The photo messaging application Snapchat, which allows users to post images, video and text on a time limited basis to a group of recipient users, has been hacked. The attraction of Snapchat, apart from not being Facebook and therefore somewhere teenagers can meet online without their parents having a clue … Digital Marketing cybersecurity social-media | |
Back in 1992 a national newspaper interview referred to me as being the first virtual celebrity, which wasn't really true. Sure, I had managed to build something of a high profile in the emerging world of the Internet courtesy of my Wavey Davey persona and a disregard for the traditional … Digital Marketing | |
Until not very long ago, the More dropdown menu on the Google search results pages offered the ability to filter the results by type: News, Discussions, Blogs, etc. There were quite a handful of choices and they've all existed for years and years. It used to work great for me, … | |
If you have never stopped to think about language in terms of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) then the results of a survey by digital marketing agency Greenlight might make you do just that. According to the global Search and Social Survey, some 76% of people do their online searching in … |
The End.