16 Topics

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A New Zealand company is [URL="http://businessblogs.co.nz/2010/07/18/suspended-on-twitter-businesses-be-very-worried/"]reporting [/URL]that its Twitter account has been suspended due to “Updates consisting mainly of links, and not personal updates" -- which, if true, means that any other business that posts a lot of links could suffer the same fate. "I suspect the Reuters account [url]http://twitter.com/reuters[/url] …

Member Avatar for goodtaste
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16625[/ATTACH][URL="http://flattr.com/"]Flattr[/URL] moved out of beta testing and opened to the public today. The social micropayments platform is intended to allow Internet content providers to collect money for their content in the form of tips, or small payments made to demonstrate approval or enjoyment of the content. With Flattr, users pay …

Member Avatar for halenmartinez
Member Avatar for netvani

Hi there. I read blogs and articles about social media and I am still confused with the Google +1. I already know its meaning and description but how does it work well? How it can add benefits to my blog site and others' business sites? I hope that you could …

Member Avatar for brianwaugh90
Member Avatar for netvani

Hi guys! I am into social media marketing for branding my employer's site and its products. I understand its use and how it will give benefits to us. I am just in the beginning of my marketing. But I am excited of the particular benefits it can give to us. …

Member Avatar for perfectionj
Member Avatar for rksab

In the present time, social marketing has become the most important tool to promote your website and bring instant traffic on it. However, there are a lot of websites online, which claims to increase your website traffic. But only few of them actually bring effective traffic on your website. The …

Member Avatar for angeljaky
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16185[/ATTACH][URL="http://www.amazon.com"]Amazon.com[/URL] has launched a Connect to Facebook feature that will allow users to receive product recommendations based on data from their Facebook profile as well gift suggestions for friends on Facebook based on their data. The feature, which is currently in beta testing, will also allow users to find friends' …

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Member Avatar for BungeeBones

When you look closely at any web promotion system or idea you will find that the root of "web site promotion" is always a system to facilitate what is really nothing more than link exchange. Link exchange is what Google Adsense and Adwords is. Google is a "broker" or middleman …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for facebook adder

I set up an accounts based on a niche. Amass a ton of friends followers with the tools (below). Then i will create groups/fanpages then invite all friends followers to these groups then i will just put my links in my groups/fanpages i created so they are merely small ads …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Influence Marketing. I just read on this post - [url]http://www.socialmediatoday.com/SMC/157376[/url] that said that Social Media Marketing is not really capturing the true meaning and power of user generated content. So what do you think?

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Many online ads nowadays have a social media component to them. It can either be the voting of hands up or hands down on Facebook ads. Or it can be tweeting about a rich media ad. So how do you take this into consideration when you are strategizing for your …

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Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

There are many social media monitoring tools that discover the brand influencers on the blogosphere. Many brands use this to identify these influencers and invite them to either review thier product, their services, or invite them to an event so they can review it. Thus, I found this very interesting …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for slfisher

Despite a study [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3795.html"]earlier this year[/URL] that the fears of Internet predation against kids were overblown, the U.S. Department of Justice is [URL="http://www.ojp.gov/newsroom/pressreleases/2009/OJJDP09031.htm"]offering[/URL] $50 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, commonly known as the stimulus program, for Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) program initiatives. The programs …

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Member Avatar for slfisher

A Harvard-based task force convened by 50 Attorneys General that spent a year researching the issue of sexual solicitation of children online has found out that there actually isn't a problem. According to the [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/14/technology/internet/14cyberweb.html?_r=1&hp"]New York Times[/URL], which obtained a copy of the report from the Internet Safety Technical Task …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Many social media monitoring tools measure and find influencers. So if you had experience with such service, what do you think? Do you think it has helped your business finding and outreaching these influencer bloggers? What do you think?

Member Avatar for MktgRob

The End.