66 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

For some context, I use Google Ad Manager for all display ads on my site. Within the *Privacy & Messaging* section of Ad Manager, I have GDPR messages enabled for my entire domain. The message is published and the reporting stats indicate a sizable usage. Additionally, various ad units have …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for webguru_1
Member Avatar for Ethanbrody

I am Ethan Brody, a Mathematics Professor in the United States, boasting a rich academic career spanning approximately 7 to 8 years. Throughout my professional journey, I have committed myself to unravelling the intricate beauty of mathematical concepts. More recently, I have embarked on a captivating venture into the realm …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for oceane.boca1

"How to position a new domain as quickly as possible on the first Google page?" I am aware that many parameters shoud be taken in consideration, including the KD, the business itself, the domain name (expired or new, backlinks...), etc. But what is THE HACK that allowed you to win …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Jugeshwar

Hi, I had applied for Google Adsence, but getting the below email form Google. - Unable to review your site. While reviewing polarizeindia.in, we found that your site was down or unavailable. If you applied through an AdSense host partner, such as YouTube or Blogger, your hosted site was not …

Member Avatar for odeskavita
Member Avatar for usaidr20

So I want to lazy load ads to improve my site performance. I tried but ads are not appearing. I must be doing some mistake. I am using this code given by Google. This is how I tried to do it: **Pasted below code in head and just replaced googletag.defineSlot('/6355419/Travel' …

Member Avatar for Ichrak
Member Avatar for technews

Before we start learning what are best examples of Digital Marketing Strategy, lets us know what is it actually. Digital marketing Technology learning is very simple, it is nothing but the use internet,mobile devices, search engine pages, etc. to reach to customers. Selling products becomes very easy when combined to …

Member Avatar for Vera_1
Member Avatar for yousufkamara
Member Avatar for Dani

Hi, A notification just started showing up in my AdSense that says: **Earnings at risk - You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue.** It gives me the ability to download an ads.txt file and upload it to my domain root. Here are …

Member Avatar for Dua_2

Hello I have added adsense account to my website [https://www.duacentre.com ](https://www.duacentre.com) which has traffic of about 1.6 K per day but the cpc Iam getting from adsense is very less. How to earn more from it?

Member Avatar for kiruthi_1
Member Avatar for Dani

Has anyone had a positive experience with the new AdSense auto ads? They say they use machine learning to find the optimal placement for ads on your page, but they don't show any examples. How much faith can/should I put in their placement AI?

Member Avatar for ozstylo

Hi i have a hosted adsense account but i want to get the full access of adsense for non hosted websites please tell me how can i get approved my hosted adsense account to non hosted.

Member Avatar for Sarataylor1
Member Avatar for Anaya_1
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Dani

Has anyone played around with the AdSense ad balance setting? Notice any changes or improvements?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

What are your top AdSense countries in terms of eCPM? Mine are Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Ethiopia, Somalia, Iraq, Cuba, Iran, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Haiti ... Crazy, eh?!?! Some of them beat out the US by a factor of twenty!

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Jesi_1
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm trying to use the responsive size AdSense link units. Why is it that the font size is soooo tiny?! The font is so much larger on the vertical ad units. Is there any way to force a larger font with horizontal units?

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for nissy

Hi im dealing with my client website which is a news website. They are running google adsense. Hardly a day that particular website is getting about 500-600 page views but adsense amount is very less. May i know the reason behind it and how to increase the google adsense revenue. …

Member Avatar for jacks009
Member Avatar for Prasanth Kps

How to and what are the procedure for creating adsense account for a website or a blog? Kindly let me know the procedure did i want to make it? am the new to know about adsense.

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for theanh.dronedev

My website is company landing page. >100user per day, but when i add Google adsense show notication about content, please help me about this. my website http://gos.com.vn THX all

Member Avatar for PixelatedKarma
Member Avatar for xclusiveworld

hi, i know nothing can compare with google adsense but more or less equal to it. i have 27 websites, recently my adsense account got banned or disabled, so i was searching for the best adsense alternative but still i cant able to find one. can any one suggest me …

Member Avatar for Shashikant_1
Member Avatar for nimishkasundra

When an advertiser wishes to give on-line ads, the most suggested option is Google Adwords and Google AdSense. This may apply to B2C businesses, mostly ones with good budgets. What happens to small businesses with not much technical presence or fiscal strength? Also does it really give results? gettink clicks …

Member Avatar for EDWARD_4
Member Avatar for best4earn

Can any body tel me adsense is a legit way to earn money ? In my country ISP deals with dynamic ip , as daniweb.com also used adsense ,

Member Avatar for dom246
Member Avatar for Dani

It's here, here at last! Only about a decade too late, and about six or seven years after Google announced they were working on it. AdSense now offers asynchronous code, finally. It looks something like this: <script async src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-xxxxxx" data-ad-slot="xxxxxx"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); …

Member Avatar for zardari
Member Avatar for oanahmed

Hi! I have created my wordpress blog named c-ation[Click Here](http://www.c-ation.com) (I'm not advertising the my blog but, just telling you about it). It's new and has not yet much content. I was thinking of using Google Adsense on it. I have a category of "*Website Reviews*" inside the "*Reviews*" menu. …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for mrgadgets

I heard some gaming developer really enjoy using adsense on their gaming site so what is actually the benefit of using adsense on the gaming site?

Member Avatar for gujaratcarz
Member Avatar for EricMack

As goes Google, so goes the rest of the universe -- or at least that's the fear this week after the start up-turned-giant-turned-common verb reported disappointing earnings that sent the Silicon Valley stock over a digital cliff after-hours Thursday. [ATTACH=right]15859[/ATTACH]The company pulled in 1.84 billion dollars for the quarter or …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for technosaha

I added Qadabra about a week ago to my blogs [Techno World](http://www.technoworrlld.blogspot.com) and [Lab World](http://www.labworldd.blogspot.com).Together,I get around 500-600 visits daily.However,average eCPM is $0.3.One day,they gave me eCPM of $23 but on other days,it ranges from $0.1 to $0.3.They claim that with time,the ads become more relevant.Has anyone worked with qadabra …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mitz

Hi guys About 4 years ago I posted a question on this forum asking "[Can you really make money from Adsense?](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/pay-per-click-advertising/threads/109618/is-anyone-making-money-with-google-adsense)" Well that thread is still going strong but I thought I would just give you the answer to my own question. YES Over the years I have litterally studied …

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The End.