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4 Posted Topics
So I see humans.txt pop up all over the web lately and was wondering if it has any effect on seo? Google even has it on their root domain Should I add it to my site? Does google crawl it? | |
So, a few months ago, google has released their own "no captcha recaptcha" which analyses if the user is a bot or a human. Now the way that they do it is very simple, real users move their mouse around, bots just click things. So I was thinking of doing … | |
Hello fellow Daniwebbers, So I use grunt-filerev to cache bust any files that I make changes to, and what it does is change `style.css` to `` every time I make a change to that file. Now the thing is, I have it set to revision all images as well, so … | |
Re: Login.php page: Line 20 - add the attribute name="username" input element Line 23 name="password" to the input element The id attribute doesn't get passed to the server, but the namea attribute does. |
The End.