It's here, here at last! Only about a decade too late, and about six or seven years after Google announced they were working on it.

AdSense now offers asynchronous code, finally. It looks something like this:

<script async src=""></script>
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Asynchronous code is non-page blocking, meaning it doesn't slow down the rendering of the page, and only loads the ads after the rest of the page has already finished loading.

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Asynchronous code is non-page blocking, meaning it doesn't slow down the rendering of the page, and only loads the ads after the rest of the page has already finished loading

I actually do have a google adsense account but never really used it to make money. I might try that since you provided a code and explanation. Not sure how it works but I'll learn it. Thanks for sharing.


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