Hello guys, I would like to know some information and tips regarding pay per click advertising. I have a blog which i connected with Google adsense and inserted some advertise on each page. The advertise shows generally on the basis of my posting which you all know already hopefully. I know that if people visit my site and click on the ads I can earn some dollars via adsense. But the matter about which I am confused is that, if any people who have got my sites link at social media and follow the link to my site and click on the ads will i get paid? or if someone searched with the keywords which is relavent to my posts and got my site and clicked on the ads. I am confused aboit these two ways of getting click. Please fellows help me on this confusion matters.

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Hello guys, I would like to know some information and tips regarding pay per click advertising. I have a blog which i connected with Google adsense and inserted some advertise on each page. The advertise shows generally on the basis of my posting which you all know already hopefully. I know that if people visit my site and click on the ads I can earn some dollars via adsense. But the matter about which I am confused is that, if any people who have got my sites link at social media and follow the link to my site and click on the ads will i get paid? or if someone searched with the keywords which is relavent to my posts and got my site and clicked on the ads. I am confused aboit these two ways of getting click. Please fellows help me on this confusion matters.


I am a confused what you are asking.

On Google Analytics where does people go most often after the link is click?

When you add your blog site to adsense then you have added your information also. If people will visit your blog and click on these ads and visit is genuine then google will pay you for it.

Yeah, Your ads running good, surely your products reached to viewers.

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