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59 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for admin_12

It's a bit bad and possibly something you wouldn't openly mention to your friends or include in a CV. I was once introduced at a sports club to a friend of a friend who ran porn sites and he had brought along a couple of his "employees" for a drink …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for rproffitt

I find it unbelievable that Musk walks in on day one and says the code has faults here, here, and here (realy? is he the greatest coder ever born and can see the errors straight away, in code he is inspecting for the first time? (World's fastest speed reader as …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Smbom

Link building helps. Such as raising a question here with the site url in the question... You say you are a newbie, but the site is massive and has been in existence since December 2021 Google reports 21,500,000 results when I enter super capacitors, 1,820,000 for ceramic disk capacitors, 6,960,000 …

Member Avatar for sankut
Member Avatar for facarroll

![20180406-_15A0049_(1).jpg]( I downloaded it on my first attempt. Right click. View source find image link click on it. Save it. Accidentally downloaded it twice! file name was 20180406-_15A0049.jpg, file size 527kb (the image with the door) Easy Peasy. If you send the data to my browser, I can read it …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for bxdobs

Have you started by including a link to the jquery library in the <head> of the html file? PS javascript is not java, so not being a java programmer is not a problem.

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for dloj333

Why not give us the url of the page in question, then someone might spotted a weakness in the code that lets spammers through.

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Richard_Harldsn

It is surprisingly simple to solve this problem. Give your blog post a title. Where it says Add Title on the blank page of a new post in your blog. Which you have actually done already. What you are linking to is a page listing your blog posts. And I …

Member Avatar for Richard_Harldsn
Member Avatar for borobhaisab

While planning to build a search engine, you might want to read this to get an idea of the amount of data involved. and perhaps this.

Member Avatar for borobhaisab
Member Avatar for mizmy <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Output Tag</title> </head> <body> <p>Calculate the Sum of the two Numbers</p> <form oninput="res.value=parseInt(a.value)+parseInt(b.value);"> <label>Enter First Value.</label><br> <input type="number" name="a" value=""/><br> +<br/> <label>Enter First Value.</label><br> <input type="number" name="b" value=""><br> =<br> Output is:<output name="res"></output> </form> </body> </html> I never knew this was possible! You will have to …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for gr8fuldaniel

Free webhosting seems to have disappeared from sight, and all the free ones had some restrictions anyway. But wordpress.COM offers free hosting (not to be confused with wordpress.ORG, which gives you free wordpress, free themes, free plugins to use elsewhere). The domain will include in the name - I …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Maycon_1

Need a lot more information than you have given. Is this a website, an online shop, an app, or what? And are you going to pay for this help, or is it one of those "share the work with me and get a share in the profits we will make" …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for faithecommerce

Can you show us the site and the extra pages? In some circumstances, a search on a wordpress site can make you think there are extra pages (One of my clients was totally convinced that WP was creating extra pages when he tried searches). And if it is a WP …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for oceane.boca1

If there was some special magic way to get listed on the first page of google, everyone would start using it, so it would immediately fail to work as then thousands of sites would suddenly have the exact same ranking value and they can't all be number one, can they? …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for adshrest

Or Create a webpage with a list of dates, place it in a hidden folder with no links to it. Each date is a link to open the error logfile with that name. When the file opens in your browser, you save it for offline use. You could then just …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Anna_39

The worst thing to do is to try to build the site yourself! Because if you have to ask here how to do this, you clearly don't know how to do it. Try googling for webdevelopers in YourTown. Hey, what an incredible idea... Check what they have done, what they …

Member Avatar for bavya
Member Avatar for Stefce

Why not put your video on youtube, and link to that inside a frame? Or are you worried that lots of other videos apart from yours will appear after it has played? Youtube solves the video size problem and the streaming problem for you. There are other streaming platforms you …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Borobhaisab, why do you wish to steal other peoples' work and display it on your own website, after editing some parts of the content, such as the name of where you got the content from? This is theft of someone's copyright work. That's why many sites have code to prevent …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Searching seven columns in one table in such a way could return the entire table in some cases. It suggests to me that your tables may not be normalised properly, or not normalised at all. It's a bit like the classic parent - child relationship that goes wrong, where the …

Member Avatar for borobhaisab
Member Avatar for Stefce

How many images are you displaying on a page at a time? Have you resized the images in image manipulation software to get them delivered faster? And why are you not simply storing them on your webserver? A lot of images on one page makes it load more slowly. Larger …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for forgot

You could try making the url into a standard html link... A plain url is plain text, so goes nowhere.

Member Avatar for akvkota
Member Avatar for Ukpe

Sounds like a bit of homework to me. By making the database for a "school" the data required would be familar to a student. Create your data tables, create your data entry forms, create your queries. ALL within Access itself, which is perfectly capable of using its own built in …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for larry29936

Inside the body tag, set up a div with the name main to contain all your content. Like this <div id="main"> </div> Then in your css file set the width of that div to, say, max-width: xxxxpx; where xxxx is the maximum width you think you will need. Typically set …

Member Avatar for mtyide
Member Avatar for kasmar45

You're making it harder for yourself by considering lots of languages which can be subtly different and lead to frustration. Jumping from one language to another when it takes quite some time to master any one is a waste of time. Although once you know how to program in one …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for rahull.singh098

There is no table called ManagerSalary yet the post writer uses it in queries. This is careless teaching in the extreme! No teacher or lecturer would produce a tutorial minus required data. The original source has the same error and there it says "I assumed you'd guess the structure of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for UnabashedGeek

There are 11 stylesheet files to load and then 26 javascript files. Then some sections are lazy loading and unfold as you watch. So delays in getting a file, or not receiving it at all could make some areas not display their contents. Perhaps some of these css or js …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for sankar2000

If you read this page, from MYSQL itself, you will see that your database is nowhere near the size limit. It talks about 256TB as its max. On another forum, several years ago, a real expert said that your sort of size would be a small database when asked …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Susan_24

If you can afford a bottom of the range virtual private server from your current host, you can ask it to have the older version of PHP installed, and continue on as normal.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nextsmm

You can certainly write pseudocode on paper, to get the general flow of what you are going to do, and then expand with more pseudocode for the first bit you intend to write. This gives you a basic structure to work on but is not actual code (although some people …

Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for Mr.M

If you are trying to do this on a site you are building, why do you keep talking about other websites? It is not totally clear what you are trying to do, to be honest. Try searching on things like tooltip js or tooltip wordpress or whatever. Have a read …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Adolfo_1

If you are using a shopping cart you downloaded, such as OpenCart, there are built in options that allow you to do this.

Member Avatar for Dani

The End.