36 Topics

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Member Avatar for facarroll

I have a script that delivers an empty gif file when an attempt is made to download an image ("Save image as..."). Here is a link to my page. Try to save either of the first two images from the screen (not screenshots). I have been told that this is …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for happygeek

The University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom has been [researching](www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~tpc/Papers/P2PSecComm2012.pdf) how users of the hugely popular file-sharing BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol are being monitored by those acting for copyright holders. What the researchers found surprised them, and may surprise those using BitTorrent to download pirated content: the average time it …

Member Avatar for Bigling
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16625[/ATTACH][URL="http://flattr.com/"]Flattr[/URL] moved out of beta testing and opened to the public today. The social micropayments platform is intended to allow Internet content providers to collect money for their content in the form of tips, or small payments made to demonstrate approval or enjoyment of the content. With Flattr, users pay …

Member Avatar for halenmartinez
Member Avatar for Chuckleluck

I've already got a game project going, using C++ and SFML. I'm planning on releasing it digitally online using PayPal. Question is, how do I keep the game from being pirated? Someone could easily just make a copy of the game and its files, and they've got two versions of …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello guys and girls I couldn't hel to wonder what is daniweb's community position towards the Stop Online Piracy Act to be discussed today in the US Congress. Is Dani censoring the logo tonight?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Upoma

I am developing a desktop based software in Java using IDE Netbeans 7 and database MySQL. Now i want to distribute this software and protect it from piracy.I want to implement online licence verification.That means when user will install the software a number based on hardware configuration will be sent …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for happygeek

With the Android developer community buzzing about how easy it is to pirate apps, one outfit took it upon itself to try and track down the pirates. The results are truly shocking. [attach]16959[/attach]The provocatively named Android Police site last week claimed that [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/626374/android-app-flaw-allows-easy-piracy"]most Android apps can be simply patched and …

Member Avatar for dynamiclynk
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16267[/ATTACH]Indie game developer Jeff Vogel (head of Spiderweb Soft.) wrote a thoughtful [URL="http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2010/07/sometimes-its-ok-to-steal-my-games.html"]piece[/URL] on piracy on Wednesday, for his blog, [URL="http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/"]The Bottom Feeder[/URL]. As an industry veteran and most important of all, human, he explains why piracy isn't always a bad thing, and can often be downright justifiable given the …

Member Avatar for Potence
Member Avatar for happygeek

If piracy and illegal downloaders really are killing the music industry, how come more singles have been sold this year than ever before and people who file-share spend more money on legal releases than those who do not file-share? I have to admit, it's not been a good week to …

Member Avatar for AresVista
Member Avatar for newsguy

I ask because according to the latest data, there would seem to be an increasing number of working pirates around these days. The trouble is that they can be hard to spot as they do not tend to go for the Captain Jack look nor sport a long beard, come …

Member Avatar for happygeek

What might kill illegal downloading do you think? The long ([URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220692.html"]and mostly ineffective[/URL]) arm of the law perhaps, or maybe a sudden (and unlikely) [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story235178.html"]feeling of overwhelming love[/URL] for the poor music and movie industry? According to the [URL="http://www.globalwebindex.net"]Global Web Index[/URL] the answer could be simple and obvious: why bother …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for newsguy

A couple of months ago DaniWeb reported how British singer Lily Allen [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story226113.html"]turned the music copyright debate into a copywrong farce[/URL] with some ill conceived blogging. Things went quiet soon after the media had swarmed all over Allen and her odd arguments, not least as she [URL="http://torrentfreak.com/lily-allen-deletes-pro-copyright-blog-and-ends-career-090924/"]closed down her blog[/URL] …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I just read an article that Google has removed Pirates Bay from its search results. Okay, Pirate Bay may have violated a few rules here and there. ut what happens if your online community encounters similar roadblock? What would you do to grow it?

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for happygeek

When singer Lily Allen posted a passionate plea for people to stop illegally sharing music files, and started a dedicated blog where fellow pop stars could voice their concerns over the 'theft' of their work, you might have been forgiven for thinking it would just turn into the usual bunch …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Continuing on its charm offensive, the music industry is apparently not satisfied with the $675,000 fine for sharing 30 songs imposed on Joel Tenenbaum or the $1.92 million Jammie Thomas-Rasset was hit with for illegally downloading 24 tunes. Now it is going after the lyrics pirates. The what? Well, exactly. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I'm not a great fan of the phrase 'total coincidence' and nor am I a fan of The Rt Hon Lord Mandelson, First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills and Lord President of the Council to be formal. While I'm on the small matter of …

Member Avatar for happygeek

What happens if you get caught out sharing copyright music or video online? If you live in Hull, in the north of the UK, the answer will probably surprise you. At the same time that most Internet Service Providers are applauding the recent [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22936/53/"]Digital Britain report[/URL] from the government which …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Kazaa has decided to join Pirate Bay in becoming a legal peer to peer service. This raises interesting questions for moralistic pedants like me. The full details of the story are [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8159560.stm"]here[/URL] but that's not what I want to discuss. I'm more interested in what sort of message it sends …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Seems like a silly question, right? But $80,000 per track is exactly how much Jammie Thomas-Rasset, a single mother from Minneapolis, has been charged. Well, I say charged but actually she was fined this amount for each of 24 songs downloaded via a file-sharing site at the end of a …

Member Avatar for TradeYourAsset
Member Avatar for newsguy

Across Europe people have been voting in the European Parliamentary elections, and it looks likely that a pirate or two will have got elected in Sweden. I voted nice and early this morning, with candidates representing the three main political parties here in the UK as well as a rather …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Now this is interesting: with the arrival of a demand for some $4.5 million in damages, one of the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4011.html"]founders of Pirate Bay[/URL] has come up with an innovate method of paying it. Gottfrid Svartholm has set up something called [URL="http://internetavgift.se/"]internet-avgift[/URL] which encourages ordinary Internet users who are friendly to …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

It might seem like something of an odd question, unless your idea of a good night in is a box of popcorn and a copy of some dodgy DVD featuring a Captain Jack lookalike doing unmentionable things to his crew. Yet the answer is that these two things, the illegal …

Member Avatar for JJMacey
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

This is going to be important - although some lawyers are saying it's not going to stick outside Sweden. The Pirate Bay people, who aren't so much advocates of Internet file swapping as proud boasters of their activities in it (the clue is in the name), are going to jail. …

Member Avatar for INDIAMORE
Member Avatar for happygeek

Following the introduction of the Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive, better known as IPRED, which became law on Wednesday last week, the amount of Internet traffic has plummeted by as much as 40 percent according to the Netnod Internet Exchange which measures such things. Sweden has perhaps been best known, …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The Pirate Bay is, without doubt, a huge thorn in the side of the music and movies business. As the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3479.html"]worlds largest bittorrent tracker[/URL] with more than 3 million users and well over 20 million peers it constantly flips the bird at The Powers That Be. Even the threat of …

Member Avatar for airbourne
Member Avatar for newsguy

Apple users opting not to grab a free 30 day demo version iWork 09, or even cough up the bucks for a full retail version, have found themselves getting more than they bargained for. It appears that something in the region of 20,000 people have downloaded a pirated version of …

Member Avatar for jonas leo
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Pirate Bay is a website which claims to be the biggest BitTorrent tracker on the planet. So big, it seems, that it is even considering pitching for an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records. Certainly, putting politics and legal arguments aside for a moment, there is no …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It was always going to generate plenty of publicity simply because it was the new Michael Moore documentary movie. It was always going to generate even more publicity because Moore decided to release it for free, on the Internet. The first time, as far as I am aware, that a …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Italian Internet Service Providers have been ordered to block access to the Pirate Bay file-sharing Bit Torrent tracker site in Sweden by a judge in the Northern Italian town of Bergamo. This is the same judge, who has not been named, which only last month closed a leading Bit Torrent …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The fact that the UK's Internet providers are [URL="http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4387283.ece"]doing something about illegal downloads of music[/URL] is of course to be welcomed in principle. Whenever the subject comes up there are a handful of objections; civil liberties, the Internet should be free, whatever, the objectors seem to come from everywhere. But …

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The End.