36 Topics

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Oh the irony. According to [URL="http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/03/30/sony-bmg-sued-nicking-software"]The Inquirer[/URL] and [URL="http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9362/Sony+BMG+Sued+for+Software+Piracy+-+Assets+Seized"]others[/URL] it would appear that Sony BMG, you know the same Sony BMG that has fought such a high profile and bitter legal war against individuals for copyright violation by using music file sharing sites, is itself in trouble on charges of …

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The Business Software Alliance has long been on the case of U.S. companies who use, inadvertently or not, unlicensed software for their business operations. Make no mistake, the BSA has aggressively gone after and imposed heavy fines on companies who are caught in the act using pirated software. It's not …

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A proposal from the [URL="http://www.premier-ministre.gouv.fr/en/"]French Ministry of Culture[/URL] could hit online music and movie piracy very hard with a very big stick if it goes ahead. In addition to the existing law, introduced only last year, which made unauthorised file-sharing a criminal offence carrying a 30,000 Euro fine and up …

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According to John Wolfe, Director of Internet Enforcement with the [URL="http://www.bsa.org"]Business Software Alliance[/URL] online auction sites have sold £4 million ($8 million) worth pirated software in just six months. The BSA has managed to prevent 36,000 illegal products from getting sold in the same period, but it does look like …

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IT security and control firm [URL="http://www.sophos.com"]Sophos[/URL] is warning of an ongoing spam campaign which promises not only a trailer featuring, but also free tickets to see, the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End’ movie. The warning signs are all there, the familiar skull-and-crossbones logo of the popular film …

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[URL="http://torrentfreak.com/mpaa-caught-uploading-fake-torrents/"]TorrentFreak has reported[/URL] that the anti-piracy watchdog group MPAA has been uploading false torrents in the hopes of logging IP addresses of pirates to bring them to court. They do claim to have methods of detecting the fake torrents, but don't give away all the hints, saying, "we wont reveal …

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The End.