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I live and breathe technology news, it is what turns me on. Sad, but hey I am a news nerd, what can I say? I live and work in England, where I have been reporting IT news for far more years than I care to remember.

News, news, news, news, fast cars, and news.
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445 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for newsguy

What do you use Twitter for? Telling your circle of online friends what you are up to? As an alternative to email? Maybe a little bit of legal celebrity stalking? Perhaps, but if you are an Indian Twitter user the chances are you are treating it primarily as an online …

Member Avatar for falotfalon
Member Avatar for newsguy

The US military is apparently making good use of a secure Facebook-like system for networking which already has hundreds of user groups and thousands of members. Known as "milBook" the system has been embraced by the Department of Defense for the way it can open up safer avenues of communications …

Member Avatar for TPW_1
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If you thought, or indeed hoped, that the Google Chrome OS would be a thoroughly modern marvel running web apps only then you are about to be disappointed. It would appear that even the brave new future of the OS cannot escape from the legacy of Windows. According to a …

Member Avatar for eldergeek
Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for newsguy

Software from boffins who used to work at the [URL=""]Space Technology Centre[/URL] at the University of Dundee promises to reveal secrets of legacy code. Founded in September 2009, [URL=""]Rapid Quality Systems[/URL] is a software development outfit that was 'spun out' of the Dundee University Space Technology Centre, and is still …

Member Avatar for jbennet
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The media seems to have been a-buzz this week following the release of the top search terms from 14.6 million searches picked up by parental control service OnlineFamily.Norton - mainly because it 'revealed' that kids are searching for sex online. I am a parent myself, of young kids, and while …

Member Avatar for rocco88
Member Avatar for newsguy

IT Week [URL=""]reports[/URL] that business is just too slow to respond to cyber-criminals, and as a result the hackers are simply worried about their ability to prevent them breaking in. The article quotes Dan Hubbard, the Vice President of Security Research at Websense as saying that from a purely technological …

Member Avatar for Tr0y
Member Avatar for newsguy

Another day, another IE flaw! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the Internet Explorer water (mainly as Microsoft told you it was after [URL=""]releasing[/URL] yet another [URL=""]patch[/URL] to fix yet another vulnerability) comes the news that actually, would you believe it, but Internet Explorer still …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for newsguy

I stumbled across an interesting interview with Linus Torvalds over at [URL=""][/URL] in which the man himself would appear to be confirming that there will be no Linux kernel 3.0 The first hints are given when he responds to a question concerning why the 2.6 kernel has been around for …

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for newsguy

I am, it appears, a lot more average than I hoped. Well, at least when it comes to the world of computer gaming. A new [URL=""]study[/URL] reveals, amongst other things, that the profile of the average gamer looks a lot less like the hyperactive, cola drinking teen obsessed with kicking …

Member Avatar for JackRT
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It's not just [URL=""]phishing scams[/URL] that Facebook users have to worry about right now, According to Roger Thompson, the Chief Research Officer with security vendor AVG, hacked Facebook applications are increasingly reaching out to exploit sites based in Russia. As Thompson says, this is different to the normal run of …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for newsguy

The cost of an Xbox 360 is dropping like a brick, which is just as well considering [URL=""]so many things can go wrong[/URL] with the Microsoft games console. In fact the whole Red Rings of Death thing has led to some frustrated users [URL=""]taking Microsoft to court[/URL]. Jesse Maiman, a …

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
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It has been one of the great blogging success stories, not to mention literary mysteries. But now the true identity of the Diary of a London Call Girl blogger has been revealed, by Belle de Jour herself. The blog, based upon a secret life covering 14 months as a high …

Member Avatar for flasp
Member Avatar for newsguy

For anyone who [URL=""]doubted[/URL] that the iPhone was to be [URL=""]taken seriously as a games platform[/URL], and there have been many, the release today of Grand Theft Auto as an iPhone app should seal the deal that the iPhone is the real thing as far as being a games console …

Member Avatar for Appspy
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Apple has tonight given us a sneak preview of what is coming in the iPhone 3.0 major update which DaniWeb writer Davey Winder was [URL=""]second guessing[/URL] earlier. While Davey managed to predict the arrival of cut, copy and paste functionality for iPhone 3.0, this was pretty much a given to …

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So now we know that Microsoft is pushing out the release version of the latest in the operating system line-up, Windows 7, starting this week on the 30th April [URL=""]according to official sources[/URL]. However, we also know from various news reports that many existing Windows users are not exactly head …

Member Avatar for SaintThomas
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According to the 2009 Web Application Security Report from NTA Monitor, 90% of all web applications have at least one medium risk vulnerability and 27% have at least one high risk vulnerability. Apparently the most common vulnerabilities are those which involve SQL injection, cross-site scripting and cross-request forgery. One data …

Member Avatar for ashumiloff
Member Avatar for newsguy

There's a really interesting [URL=""]blahblahtech[/URL] posting that has popped up to address what it refers to as the "myth that video games harm children both socially and intellectually." It approaches the debate from parental questioning perspective, which seems as good as any to be fair. Some of the research it …

Member Avatar for Jehnavi
Member Avatar for happygeek

But the celebrity buzz has not wound down, the social media site has simply changed the rules of the game to prevent that buzz from showing it would appear to me.

Member Avatar for Jblover
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Mac OS X is not, on the whole, known as an OS which attracts too many problems when it comes to malware. However, in the last few days there has been something of a scare involving the Immunizator Trojan. [URL=""]According to IT security specialists Sophos[/URL] this may well just be …

Member Avatar for GoodLuckChuck
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On Thursday 2nd June 2009 it will be the 20th anniversary of the Tienanmen Square massacre when an undisclosed number of student protesters were killed after tanks rolled into squash the protests. You might imagine, then, that in China services such as Twitter would be a-buzz with talk about the …

Member Avatar for ana12
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The Consumerist is currently running a [URL=""]story[/URL] about how a gamer was first harassed by other players and then booted off Xbox Live by Microsoft. Her crime? Admitting she was a lesbian in her gamer profile. According to the report she was harassed online by other gamers and when she …

Member Avatar for rzahir101
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According to recent [URL=""]reports[/URL] the Android operating system has an impressive 19.9% share of the US mobile web market. That's still some way behind Apple iOS on 58.8% but the iPhone has been around for a lot longer. It should come as no surprise, then, that Yahoo! wants to get …

Member Avatar for newsguy

This month sees the 75th anniversary of one of the cornerstones in the IT industry and it's name is neither Apple nor Microsoft. In 1935 the Fuji Tsushinki Manufacturing Corporation was founded in Japan, although you will probably know it better by the name it adopted later: Fujitsu. [attach]15619[/attach]Quite apart …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Many a gadget freak has claimed 'I would kill for an iPad' over the last few weeks, but as the world officially goes iPad crazy ask your self this: would you die for an iPad? That's the rather serious question being asked as the Chinese factory where the iPad is …

Member Avatar for remilt
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There is absolutely no doubt that mobile broadband has been one of those recession bucking sectors which has enjoyed something of a boom in recent years. However, according to new figures from [URL=""]Broadband Expert[/URL] that boom would appear to be over. Working on the basis that the number of people …

Member Avatar for Clanky
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Two headlines grabbed my attention today. The first proclaiming that Linux sucks while the second announced it was possible to boot into a full Linux OS in less than a single solitary second. Paul Rako [URL=""]reports[/URL] that one company, an embedded-Linux specialist called MontaVista Software, has gone step further than …

Member Avatar for faridali
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Gamers are used to unearthing cheats that will give them ultimate power over everything, but now it seems that Windows 7 users can also activate a God Mode of their own. Here's a really simple little Windows 7 tweak which activates an already pretty well documented developer shell feature that …

Member Avatar for smokewire
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I got a gloating email today from those awfully clever folk at Wolfram Alpha which informed me that the iPhone app version of the '[URL=""]Computational Knowledge Engine[/URL]' popped up on the App Store What's Hot list. What's more, they positively gushed at how they were "pleasantly surprised" to see the …

Member Avatar for grey991
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Martha Lane Fox, who co-founded, has [URL=""]been appointed[/URL] as the new UK Digital Champion by Prime Minister David Cameron. As part of the coaltion Government's drive to increase transparency and accountability, the Internet entrepreneur will be tasked with encouraging as many people as possible to go online, and improving …


The End.