Another day, another IE flaw! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the Internet Explorer water (mainly as Microsoft told you it was after releasing yet another patch to fix yet another vulnerability) comes the news that actually, would you believe it, but Internet Explorer still isn't safe.
According to Jorge Luis Alvarez Medina, a security consultant at Core Security Technologies, who will reveal all at the Washington Black Hat conference next month the Microsoft browser is at risk to not one serious hole but rather a set of minor vulnerabilities that can linked together to exploit remote access to your data.
Microsoft has not been available for comment on the matter, although I'm guessing that will change as the brown stuff hits the fan in the coming days. I commented recently on how to activate God Mode for Windows 7 but maybe what we really need is a God Mode for browsing. Ah yes, I have it and it's called using Firefox, or Chrome or pretty much anything other than Internet Explorer right now.
Especially when, according to respected British journalist Jack Schofield of The Guardian, Microsoft apparently knew about the IE vulnerability it has just patched way back in September 2009. Sigh.