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166 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for skorm909

Hey SgtMe; If you know how to install allegro to use with VS2010 can you please explain. I downloaded allegro and looked everywhere in it to read a document about how to install for VS2010 but found nothing.

Member Avatar for BogdanCov
Member Avatar for patel28rajendra
Member Avatar for vizz

If we could tell you how to create such websites in a few sentences, everyone would be a web developer, right?

Member Avatar for joopdoop1
Member Avatar for walas

The most probable error would be pointer errors ofcourse. As the above message says you should print the list after every operation to check if the operation was successful. If you send the error codes we may help better.

Member Avatar for syker111
Member Avatar for Upoma

Your server program will be installed once/ so distributing a one program with server and client capabilities would be redundant. Design and distribute your client and server applications seperate.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Tellalca

Hey guys, I am playing with the .NET 4.0's new class Parallel. I tried to open files in a directory and calculate the total bytes of them. However when I run the code, I get a different result every time. Can you explain me the problem I have? [CODE]using System; …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for abelLazm

[QUOTE=ddanbe;1530038]Hmmm, I wonder ... So if I have a textfile consisting of 26 characters, the alphabet for example, I could reduce its size by 97% of 26, being 25.22??? So I could zip all the information of the alphabet in less than 1 char?[/QUOTE] It says "nearly upto". So it …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for mrnobody

If you do not modify and read a data from memory or hard disk, then you don't need to worry about thread safety, I think. The race condition or concurrent access/modify is important when you have a shared data between threads, in this function you do not have. You are …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Srinivas0

Command line arguments are passed to programs automatically when you use them. You just define and use them if you need them, which is almost never done if you are not using a command line based Linux OS. What you do to run a program on command line, you call …

Member Avatar for Srinivas0
Member Avatar for lxXTaCoXxl

I think you can't do that with the current C#. Maybe if you can edit the CLR and modify the compiler to create appropriate IL when you use your "own" type then you can manage it, which is almost impossible :D You can try C++ though!

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for u.j.chandler

Delegates are not very powerful indeed. As you said, it is a master method that calls other methods when a specific condition happens. What it brings to the table is it has a subscription list. So if you do not know which functions to call while you are writing this …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for weeraa
Member Avatar for kamilacbe
Member Avatar for Tellalca

Hey, I am developing a game in C#. I have some question marks in my mind about properties. -Should I return reference in a get, or should I clone the reference and return a clone? If I return a reference then in another part of the program, it will be …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for tapandesai007

You can save the file to in the file system. When generating URL use HttpRequest.ApplicationPath and add the file name to the add. This will be your URL to the picture.

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for sergent

Yeah maybe %99 terrorists are Muslim but %100 despot occupiers are Christian. So blaming religions is not a way to describe that.

Member Avatar for Paaat
Member Avatar for riseguim
Member Avatar for riseguim
Member Avatar for installer

I am just making request with a console application and read the html response. Of course Firefox 4 !!!

Member Avatar for remixedcat
Member Avatar for kumar500
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for afaquemanzoor

I thınk we do not always. You wrıte java code. Compıler turns these code into java byte code, which is OS independent code. Then an interpreter, which we call JVM executes thıs code like an operating system. This allows java to be OS independent. Or JVM compiles the code just-in-time …

Member Avatar for JeffGrigg
Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for nishant969
Member Avatar for galhajaj
Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22

You are saying C does not support object oriented and show C# code ?!! This is like showing tasting a cake and saying that the meat is tasty.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Scicluna

If your application is small you can put your usernames and passwords into a encrypted binary file. Do not forget to encrypt usernames and passwords with different algorithms or it would be easier to hack your application by knowing a username and its encrypted version.

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for emilakia
Member Avatar for triumphost

Just draw the buttons as you like. Draw unpressed button, pressed button and mouse over button as an image. Use events to catch mouse actions and display appropriate image. From the perspective of a game developer .)

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for Blacksheepjnr

1-Ensure there is room for that and assign it 2-Full is something that you define. If the items in the array is equal to limit, it is full 3-Iterate over each element and check if it equals the name 4-Add index to the array pointer and dereference it

Member Avatar for Tellalca

The End.