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I've been in computers since '76 (when I was in junior high school). Most of my work experience has been in contracting/consulting, since working my way through college, starting in '81. So I have LOTS of experience with lots of different technologies.…
- Interests
- Bicycling, Caving
- PC Specs
- Typically Windows, some Unix/Linux, mainframe when needed, and possibly others.
171 Posted Topics
Re: 1. The answer is "Yes." >;-> 2. If the database is on your local LAN, rather than accessed through the Internet, then you generally can access it just by changing the URL that you use. 3. Connecting from a desktop application through the Internet to a database is generally a … | |
Re: It can be done, but you have the wrong approach. You must create the Element objects, and then create/set the Text in them. You will need to add the Element objects to the appropriate parent Element objects. And then you will have to serialize (write) the XML as characters to … | |
Re: You already have most of the right stuff there. You are correct in thinking that you do not need a vector, array or list. Think of how you would total the values stored in an array. You need to do something similar here. You need to add values to the … | |
Re: Here's one way: `System.out.println("title = " + movie.getElementsByTagName("title").item(0).getTextContent());` | |
Re: Farrukh: We help people with the programs that they write themselves. Please make an attempt to solve the problem yourself. And if you are still having problems, please post a new question on this site, with the code you have written, and we would be glad to help you. | |
Re: 1. I don't see any call to the `move()` method anywhere. 2. You probably want to create the Earth outside the loop. | |
Re: 1. ["difference between soap and restful web service" info](http://lmgtfy.com/?q=difference+between+soap+and+restful+web+service) 2. SOAP contains security standards. Restful web services use HTTP security. They can both be secured. | |
Re: > But I'm stuck on the methods for how far I should move. > ... I have no idea how to calculate the angle (in radians (I hate radians)). > I might not even need the calc_angle method. I'm not sure where to start. I would start by taking a … | |
Re: There is something to be said for stepping back from the code and problem, and giving a really good "think" to the problem and how one could solve it. I found that I can solve it in order `n` time. Properly simplified, it can be done by hand. (Of course, … | |
Re: So you want to read that data into memory -- into something like a `List` or array. And then you want to sort it -- based on "Marks" and "Percentage" it seems. (Presumably, the input would **not** already be in sorted order.) Now, depending on how you do the sort, … | |
Re: It would be nice if the code successfully compiled. ;-> I like the constructors in Salty and Sugary classes, but I would do that constructor in the Snack root/base class, and chain constructors in all subclasses. (That is, you need to use "super(parm1,parm2)" as the first line of child class … | |
Re: In spite of the tone of your responses, I'll give you some help anyway. The answer is that there is no relationship between the `PrintWriter.println(String)` method and the `PrintStream.println(String)` method. Yes, they look the same. Yes, you could change from one class to the other, and the calls would all … | |
Re: There is compile-time checking of your exception handling logic to verify that your code follows the rules of checked exception handling. If your code has clear and obvious errors in that it fails to handle checked exeptions that are declared to be thrown, then the compiler shows error messages and … | |
Re: The basic answer is, "Don't worry about it. It will be fine." A more detailed answer is that the system code that calls your code includes an implementation class that is a child class of the given abstract Graphics class. The calling system code creates whatever instance(es) of child class(es) … | |
Re: On this site, it is better to post your questions about problems you are having with your code than to post the assignment given to you by your instructor. You are expected to put in an effort first, and to show that you have done so. We are all glad … | |
Re: While someone was so kind as to post a complete implementation of your homework problem, it would probably be wise for you to implement your own solution -- using only the features of Java that you have studied in class. Otherwise, your instructor will know that someone gave you the … | |
Re: Perhaps the question to ask is, "Does the code calling the factory method need to know all the parameter values that the constructed object needs?" Typically, the answer is no. "But the constructed object needs to have dependencies injected into its constructor!" you object. True, but the Dependency Injection (and … | |
Re: It's probably part of the line protocol that the MySQL driver on your client uses to communicate with the MySQL server. You would not normally need to concern yourself with such things. But if you want to learn more, see [MySQL: 8.3. The NDB Communication Protocol](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ndbapi/en/ndb-internals-ndb-protocol.html) | |
Re: [Google](https://www.google.com/webhp?q=hexagon%20grid%20java#q=hexagon+grid+java&safe=off) can be quite helpful. | |
Re: Learn to use Google. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=why+java+is+called+architecture+neutral+language I find such statements to be misleading. C/C++ is famously portable -- across operating systems and hardware platforms. More so than Java. So, to some extent, I'd say that they came up with a term for what Java is -- to show that Java excells … | |
Re: So, not only do you want to bypass captcha tests... You want us to do it for you. I believe that such a flagrant violation of ethics is a violation of the terms of use of this site. | |
Re: arrayEmp = new String[numEmp]; as in... public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Input number of employees: "); int numEmp = s.nextInt(); String[] arrayEmp = new String[numEmp]; for(int i = 0; i < numEmp; i++){ System.out.print("Enter employee name: "); String empName = s.next(); arrayEmp[i] = empName; … | |
Re: You probably should be useing the `URLEncoder` class. See [stackoverflow: Java URL encoding](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10786042/java-url-encoding) | |
Re: Here's a pretty good summary of how the project looked to its leaders before it went live: [analysis by McKinsey & Co](http://static.businessinsider.com/image/528bc11469beddd5084ad040/image.jpg) Looks like a mismanaged and largely doomed project to me. | |
Re: OK, I'll assume that the `myFormatter` variable holds an instance of the `DecimalFormat` class. And that the `sum` variable is some kind of number -- like a int or double or something similar. So the line you gave above doesn't compile -- because the result of the "`.format(...)`" method is … | |
Re: `java.util.Date` objects always have a numeric representation. Perhaps you need something more like this: DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); Date date = df.parse(inputDate); System.out.println("Java Date = " + date.toString()); System.out.println("Java Date as a 'long' value = " + date.getTime()); // Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 … | |
Re: For Windows, you will want to look into the "AutoRun" functionality: [Click Here](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144202(v=vs.85).aspx) PlayStation is different. Maybe this will help: [Click Here](http://www.psxdev.net/help/cdrom_mastering.html) Wishing for car sterios to run your code is hopeless. There is probably no way to make that happen. | |
Re: You probably have to create a new `Term` instance for each "degree" that matches. That's why you always have one (or none) in your result. | |
Re: [Click Here for "parallel algorithms for IP switches" Google search](http://lmgtfy.com/?q=parallel+algorithms+for+IP+switches) | |
Re: The code you gave looks valid and correct. I would look at the other methods in the class to see if they are correct. In particular, I would check to see if the 'head' field is set properly when the first item is added to the list. (And once it's … |
The End.