34 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

I have a late 2016 MacBook Pro running the latest version of OS X Sierra 10.12.6 Ever since I got it, I've been having a problem connecting it to external displays. Firstly, there is the 32" 4K Seiki Pro, connected via a USB-C cable. Most times when the Mac goes …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen

Hello, I have a Macbook Pro w/ Retina display (A1502), running Win 7 on bootcamp. I also have 2 [LG 25UM64](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/264296052983113163) monitors. The optimal resolution for these monitors is 2560x1080. However, so far as I can tell I can only hit this resolution if I'm connected through HDMI, for which …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for cuivenion

Hi, I'm running a mid/late 2007 Macbook Pro with Mavericks: [Click Here](http://everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook_pro/specs/macbook-pro-core-2-duo-2.4-15-santa-rosa-specs.html) When I connect a second display the cpu temp goes through the roof, 90C with the fans at max. When I disconnect the screen the temperature comes down. Temperature Monitor shows that it's the CPU's not the GPU …

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Member Avatar for Sayarin

Hello After I could not boot my Macbook Pro (OS X Lion 10.7.5) I tried to run safe boot. I thought it worked, but only thing it did was booting the mac without any data i used to have. All the software is there. It's like a brand new mac …

Member Avatar for macrobert1234
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi My daughter is stuck trying to set up a POP3 email on a Macbook Air. It just wants to link to an Exchange account, which of course it doesn't find.

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hi everyone. I am trying to help a friend with her macbook which faces a mysterious problem. The macbook cannot access certain sites like facebook and pinterest when my friend uses her home wifi connection. The problem appears both on safari and chrome. When she came to my home using …

Member Avatar for Wil 0' Wisp
Member Avatar for happygeek

Apple hacking PWN2OWN supremo and security researcher Charlie Miller is preparing to reveal just how to hack an Apple MacBook battery. Yep, you read that right: Apple battery hacking could be coming to a MacBook near you soon. Well, near you if you happen to be in Las Vegas for …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for EddieC

Firefox can finally orient itself, at least in terms of iPhones and MacBooks. Mozilla's latest browser, [url=https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Firefox_3.6_for_developers]Firefox 3.6 beta 1[/url], can now talk to accelerometers such as those in many Apple devices, thanks to [url=https://developer.mozilla.org/Special:Search?search=accelerometer&type=fulltext&go=Search]orientation event objects[/url] introduced in the new Gecko 1.9.2 presentation engine at the browser's core. Also …

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Member Avatar for ibemeganavery

I have a Seagate 500GB external hard drive that has been put in a new casing after some wires in the original came loose. I only got it back two days ago. So today I plugged it into my macbook and everything was fine, and then suddenly the warning/error window …

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Member Avatar for xkikix

Hi there, I am having quite an upsetting problem with a new monitor I have bought and wonder if anyone can help me out. I do graphics work and so I needed to purchase a larger monitor because I was killing my eyes on the 13inch new MacBook screen. I …

Member Avatar for profmambo
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno

Something cool I stumbled across. 15 creative MacBook stickers, worth checking out! ![image](/attachments/large/1/31571.jpg "31571") [Creative MacBook Vinyl Decals](http://funsubstance.com/post/3153/creative-macbook-vinyl-decals/)

Member Avatar for QuesoTaco

What cables and adapters do I need and can I get an explanation of the gender of each port? I have the following already: MALE to MALE mini dvi to VGA mini dvi to DVI (dual link) mini dvi to s-video/coax (RCA) I want to make sure I get audio …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for AneyCarver

Hello Mac users, I'm trying to hook up my husbands dell printer with my mac. We have two printers in our office and it's crowded. I wanted to get rid of my hp printer, the two printers are about the same. I can't figure out this printer driver thing. I …

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Member Avatar for danielsikes

Hi Guys, I wanted to get some feedback on what the community thought about this: I am a web developer who needs something that is portable, and powerful. The air seems to be perfect for what I need. However, all the people I have talked to has said go with …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I am something of a Windows fanboy I guess, and will make no bones about the fact that I have always thought of the 13" Apple MacBook Pro in the same way that I have about Military Intelligence, European Community and Advanced BASIC: it's an oxymoron. Given that the smallest …

Member Avatar for GarrathE
Member Avatar for jmflint

I'm at a loss. I have a Windows network (4 PC's plus 3 Macs). My Windows PCs all see each other and the Macs and successfully connect. One of my MBP (13") sees all Windows PCs and Macs. The other MBP (17") sees all but ONE of the Windows PCs …

Member Avatar for tje210
Member Avatar for jonoj

Hey guys I have an old school macbook, it has caused me many problems but this current one is probably the most annoying: The fan is CONSTANTLY on like I can't make it stop, this is either with some apps or WITH NO APPS RUNNING. sorry for the caps I …

Member Avatar for newsguy

If you are in the market for a new Apple computer, you might want to wait a few days. It would appear that new super thin iMacs, MacBooks and even a cheaper Mac Mini are on the way real soon. According to [URL="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/09/10/03/apple_ads_hint_at_thinner_imacs_lighter_macbooks_cheaper_mac_minis.html"]AppleInsider[/URL] a raft of advertisements were published ahead …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Apple released its [URL="http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2009/07/21results.html"]third quarter numbers[/URL] yesterday and by any benchmark they were impressive. Consider these numbers as [URL="http://www.macworld.com/article/141829/2009/07/appleq309.html?lsrc=top_1"]reported by Macworld[/URL]: * $8.34 billion in sales and a net profit of $1.23 billion * 5.2 million iPhones * 10. 2 million iPods * 2.6 million Macs (of which1.75 million were …

Member Avatar for Lead Goat
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Apple kicked off its annual [URL="http://developer.apple.com/WWDC/"]World Wide Developer's Conference[/URL] on Monday, and it proved something very important; it could generate plenty of excitement without [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs"]Steve Jobs[/URL] on stage. I know that I along with many others watch with anticipation as live bloggers on the scene gave us the blow by …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Apple came out with its earnings report yesterday, and while all wasn't rosy for the Cupertino technology company, bottom line is they made money as earnings increased an impressive an impressive 8.7 percent in year over year earnings with net profits up 15 percent (as reported in [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2009/apr/22/apple-quarter-results"]the Guardian[/URL]). All …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

This is the time of year for wish lists, so why not make a list of products I would like to see Apple make in 2009. I'm not under any illusions that Apple will actually listen to me, but this is a fun exercise and some of these would be …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I like to follow news about Apple and its products as much as anyone. It's interesting and fun and watching the speculation is a kind of voyeurism, a way to get inside a company that keeps a tight lid on information, but much like baseball trade rumors, which I also …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]In time the Rockies may crumble Gibraltar may tumble They're only made of clay But our love is here to stay ~Ira Gershwin. [/I] These are heady days for Apple and its CEO Steve Jobs. In spite of a world economy that appears to be sliding out of control, and …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

There's been a lot of hullabaloo this week on the internet about Apple's audacity to announce the new Mac Book line without [wait for it] a firewire port [gasp audibly]. I know, it's a bold move on Apple's part, and it didn't help matters when Apple reportedly deleted a thread …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Apple announced a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3348.html"]retooled line of notebooks[/URL] yesterday, and that means good things for businesses thinking of upgrading laptops for its employees. But, I don't mean that the way you think I do. There's no doubt that the new glass trackpad and fancy casing make Apple's new line of MacBooks …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The latest Apple Event has been and gone, and we are left with some exciting new Apple products as a result. First and foremost the shiny new MacBook with the all-metal enclosure crafted from a single block of aluminum. Apple says that this means not only a thinner MacBook but, …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Rumors are flying this week ahead of Apple's big Mac Book event on Tuesday that it will announce the long rumored sub-$1000 notebook. In fact, my friends at [URL="http://www.tuaw.com/2008/10/09/800-for-a-new-macbook/"]The Unofficial Apple Weblog[/URL] are reporting that someone has gotten their hands on a price sheet ahead of the announcement suggesting that …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

Apple today had one of 'those' events in San Francisco. At 10am PDT, under the banner of Let's Rock, Steve Jobs made a number of important product announcements. These included a brand new version of iTunes in the shape of iTunes 8. This comes with support for HD television programmes, …

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The End.