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PC Specs
Intel Core i7 Extreme, 6GB DDR3, 2x Nvidia GeForce 285 (SLI), Windows 7 64-bit

281 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for happygeek

Nice review. I agree with Davey whereas I would keep such a limited product off my own iPad, though if any of my kids were old enough to have their own ipad i would certainly install this product for the time being (better than nothing) and eagerly await their updates. …

Member Avatar for luka98
Member Avatar for anetry
Member Avatar for khess

Ken, when it comes down to it I think it comes down to money. True Microsoft has about 63.796% of all the world's money but still this problem will simply cost them too much to fix. As long as the lion share of the market still tolerates and pays for …

Member Avatar for RobertHDD
Member Avatar for abelLazm

Granted you see Niagra Falls and as your helicopter approaches the blades get wet and you end up in the freezing waters below. Now hurry up and swim to safety. I wish I could find a way to show people the future based on their choices

Member Avatar for James_40
Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]15727[/ATTACH]Green is in these days, and so is saving money. The EcoStrip 2.0 looks like a common power strip with built-in surge protection but it actually works to save you money while reducing your carbon footprint. The EcoStrip 2.0 comes with a USB connector that you plug into your PC …

Member Avatar for Keil
Member Avatar for happygeek

having used it several times while it was still in "beta" I can attest that it is quite smooth and lag-free. I found it intuitive and quite liberating in certain game genres. can't wait to get one.

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Member Avatar for WASDted

Yesterday HP launched a handful of new consumer-class monitors dubbed the “x-Series”. So what’s the news here? Well the screens, ranging from 20 to 23 inches all share some amazing new specs. They are all about an inch thick and they all feature mercury-free light-emitting diode (LED) backlighting. LED backlighting …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]21161[/ATTACH]Power, it’s a dirty word. Power corrupts, and I don’t just mean people and politicians. Power problems, impurities and inconsistencies are a huge contributor to problems with sensitive computer equipment. Power problems can damage hardware as well as your files and data. The losses and downtime that result from power …

Member Avatar for Mastaba
Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for manitm16

check your "Internet Options" setting in Internet Explorer. Click the "COnnections" tab and make sure the settings for connection and LAN are correct and always on. Also in Outlook, click "Tools" then "Options" and select the "Mail Setup" tab. Put a check in "Automatically dial during a background send/receive" and …

Member Avatar for stuged
Member Avatar for jingda

Those TVs looking amazing with their thin bezel and all (under a quarter of an inch thick). As for the "Smart TV" features, I'm not sure it's worth the price. For the amount of money one spends on a decent-size smart tv you can buy a really nice, large screen …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for H. B. Duran
Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17940[/ATTACH]Steve Wozniak (or Woz to his friends and admirers) not only founded one of the most important (technology-wise) and influential (culturally) companies to date but he also practically invented the personal computer. His design, that of interfacing with a computer using a keyboard and screen, is still the standard today. …

Member Avatar for richardtj
Member Avatar for wingmark

New GPU is not a problem, just remove old video drivers and install the latest drivers for your vid card. As for motherboard, if your new board is the same chipset or close enough (such as Intel chipset X48 to X58) then it is likely you can just swap boards …

Member Avatar for Jashandeep
Member Avatar for jingda

honestly you can build a very basic PC (windows or linux) and [URL=""]install Boxee on it[/URL] and you'll have something a lot like Apple TV, probably more versatile too.

Member Avatar for adityaa
Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]18689[/ATTACH]DisplayLink is a combination hardware/software technology that enables users to connect almost any kind of monitor to a PC via USB. It is designed to make adding additional monitors very easy as well. You can add up to 6 displays without installing another video card. Simply install the DisplayLink software, …

Member Avatar for sceptical
Member Avatar for WASDted

Hey folks. We're working on some DaniWeb T-shirts and we'd like your input. The design of the shirts is as follows. Black T-shirt with a random funny saying on the front and the <DANIWEB> logo on the back (white ink). We're looking for some quotes. Think funny, geek, tech, hacker, …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for WASDted
Member Avatar for WASDted

So I have a Windows 7 PC running Media Center (home theater situation). I have one of those LG super-everything drives that can play Blu-ray as well as HD DVDs. Most of my movies are Blu-ray but a still have a few goodies on HD DVD and I've been itching …

Member Avatar for shivam9962
Member Avatar for Falcon25

Very interesting thread. I can see a use for them, especially for those with a handicap or too old or sick to drive. Personally, I love driving, I would want to stay in control. Here are a couple of other videos (not electric cars, but self-driven): [youtube]U88UlyjM4Pc[/youtube] [youtube]50rbUfTYykc[/youtube]

Member Avatar for blackcathacker
Member Avatar for vickus1

make sure you have the latest version and patch, go through the settings very carefully and choose the options and settings that work best for your scenario. it's always good to get to know and understand all the settings and if you are not sure what something is google it …

Member Avatar for Sariscos
Member Avatar for sergent

It is just a 51 square pixel area that contains the secrets of DaniWeb and how to win the Internets.

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for WASDted

hey folks! who has a home theater / media center at home? what kind of hardware do you have? is it PC driven? post specs, details and pics here. I'll be sharing mine soon...

Member Avatar for rocco88
Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]19552[/ATTACH]Hey folks, Apple has [URL=""]launched the iPad 2[/URL] with some pretty cool improvements... The new pad gets: [LIST] [*]New Dual-core A5 processor = up to 9x faster performance, better graphics [*]New, thinner design = 33% thinner and 15% lighter [*]Two cameras (front and rear) = FaceTime, HD video shoots, Photos, …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]20689[/ATTACH]This week [URL=""]on, Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden[/URL] revealed their discovery that Apple tracks and saves your location via iOS4 through your iPhone or iPad. This has sent a wripple of concern across the country and many people are demanding to know why Apple stores this info and how …

Member Avatar for matricol
Member Avatar for WolfShield

I like radio controlled things, cars, planes, helicopters, etc. I also love making art and watching movies.

Member Avatar for jwmollman

The End.