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121 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hello everyone, I am writing a program that has a part where the user can type in notes, and I would like the program to insert the date and time into the beginning of the note. I have the time and date part figured out: [CODE] import datetime now = …

Member Avatar for Ajeet_8
Member Avatar for markusd5454

I agree with the above posts. My spin on the code would be: [CODE] def askUser(): username = raw_input("Enter your username: ") password = raw_input("Enter your password: ") checkPass(username, password) def checkPass(use, pwd): if use == "username" and pwd == "password": login(use) else: print "Your username and/or password was incorrect" …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hello DaniWeb members, I know I'm not the only one who has tried to talk with non-hackers and used the term 'Crackers', to their total confusion. The problem is that the media has always refered to the Black Hat Hackers as just 'hackers', and that has given the **REAL** (White …

Member Avatar for Raunikkapoor
Member Avatar for The Dude

Hmm, 13. I was pretty sure I would score higher than that.... I guess I'm more quirky than Psychopathy. People say my behavior is like Jack Sparrow or Tony Stark. Haha, yeah, I'm fun! :) - [B][I]WolfShield[/I][/B]

Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for WolfShield

I'm wanting to make a voice controlled program, But when I type: 'import javax.speech' into NetBeans it says that 'javax.speech' doesn't exist. I then downloaded Free TTS, copied the like I was supposed to. It still is showing the error. I did some more research and found a place …

Member Avatar for Asif_12
Member Avatar for abelLazm

Granted. But without hands you cannot fend off the Killer Whale Assassin and you are eaten. I wish I had no bugs in my code when I programmed. - [B][I]WolfShield[/I][/B]

Member Avatar for James_40
Member Avatar for jib
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno
Member Avatar for infamous.jawad

There are some good answers here already, but if I could say some more on the subject, here goes. To answer your question, if you want to learn web design HTML and CSS are the first things you need to learn. Then you should learn JavaScript (ECMAScript) as it is …

Member Avatar for ronald577
Member Avatar for Jake_1

Hello Jake 1, While I don't have much game programming experience I can tell you about PyGame. It has a lot of components for GUI games, but I'm sure you can make text-based games with it as well. At a very minimum it will give you a more game-based place …

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Member Avatar for jingda

Ah pets! We have tried several dogs in the past, but they were too much for us to house train. We currently have a cat, yes ONE cat, and we love it! I agree with a previous post: cats do have a lot of similarities with hackers; and without any …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for Aethir

Aethir, the only advice I would have to give on the subject is that you seem to put a lot of print statements in all of your functions, where I on the other hand would use functions to process some information and return an answer, and use a main function …

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for Varunkrishna

Oh boy, This may be a long winded post. First off, I would love to know a little more about you personally. Such as: how long have you been programming; how long in python; is this program for school, personal, or other; what are your goals for this program? Of …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for PHIPH

Hmhm, My fiance knows just enough about technology to "know" that she is right, but not enough to...**be** right. :D It can be annoying when I am trying to help her and she is convinced she's right and I end up having to deal with a bigger problem *and* a …

Member Avatar for olugbade.nicholas
Member Avatar for aadarsh_khare

> Is there any syntax error at line 11 ? print item ? No, there isn't. I just ran all the code in python IDLE and got no errors. I agree with HiHe, the code seems to be a bunch of non-sense. It apears to just be coming up with …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for robinlrandall

Hello robinlrandall, Here is a simple notepad program I wrote a while back in wxPython. If you have any questions on it I would be happy to answer them. - WolfShield import wx class Notepad(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Notepad, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): menubar = wx.MenuBar() fileMenu = …

Member Avatar for robinlrandall
Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for WolfShield

So, While I was working on a project I accidentally closed down my Form1.cs[Designer] window and I haven't been able to find how to open it again. I am using Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition. I have looked around in the program and haven't been able to find a way …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for kenth21v

I agree with several points mentioned above. If you like music write some form of a music editor/player. Video, same thing. Whatever it is, write something that you are interested in. As Apple says: make something you would want to use. It's great practice, gives you something to show and …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hello DaniWebies! It seems like everytime I read a story or see something in a movie that involves a programmer and/or hacker/cracker they smoke at some point (usually at the computer). I'm curious: why is this? Is it just the fact that a lot of people smoke and so many …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for akosijansel

While I myself have done very little game development, I have a close friend who only programs games. He (read: we) has tried a number of different game engines (2D and 3D) and for the last 1.5 years has decided and loved Unity 3D. I have used Unity myself and …

Member Avatar for jsherm101
Member Avatar for leokin

Hey guys, I am considering switching to Linux from Windows(7). I am thinking Ubuntu as a starter though I have heard that Gentoo is programmer friendly. What I am considering is dual-booting my Windows computer with it. Any advice? Thanks, ***WolfShield***

Member Avatar for sbesch
Member Avatar for slim.helu.92

Netbeans and Eclipse are the most popular IDEs for Java. I do appologize that I can't give any reasons as why you should choose either, as I don't like IDEs. I have to agree with NormR1. Just get the Java Compiler (javac) and use a program like Notepad++ (Windows), or …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ramadan10

Since I don't know if you are new to programming in general or not, I'll try to cover some basics (just in case). For development you will either need an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which includes a compiler, or just download the compiler. Personally I find IDEs to cause more …

Member Avatar for ramadan10
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hello everyone, I am working my way through the Forger's Win32 tutorial and am on the "Creating a Simple Application" part currently. I am using C++ (instead of C in the tutorial) and the WinGW compiler. When I compile the below code I get this error: main.cpp: In function 'LRESULT …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for sillyboy

ABBA - Dancing Queen; Great song! AC/DC - Back in Black Seether - Sympathetic Tom Petty - Free Fallin' Heart - Every song under the sun You've got to love Pandora!!! - [B][I]WolfShield[/I][/B]

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Okay, So I noticed that the joke threads are pretty old ones, and if you're like me then you like to laugh. Well, let's start a new one! (Come on, you know you want to!) ;) So, let's hear some (programming) jokes! -WolfShield

Member Avatar for itzarun
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Awesome, Congrats Tony! I have found your posts to be most helpful and I am pleased that you have acheived this honor! I am also quite happy about the change to Markdown language, I think it's much for efficient. All the best, ***- WolfShield***

Member Avatar for vegaseat

The End.