Hello DaniWeb members,
I know I'm not the only one who has tried to talk with non-hackers and used the term 'Crackers', to their total confusion. The problem is that the media has always refered to the Black Hat Hackers as just 'hackers', and that has given the REAL (White and maybe Grey Hat) Hackers a bad name. At the same time the term 'Cracker' has a slang meaning that many more people know about.
So, this day I offer you a challenge! Let's see what all of our wit and creativity can come up with! What are your ideas for (hopefully) the new name given to Black Hat Hackers (Crackers)?
(Oh, I'm looking forward to this! :D)
P.S. Black Hat Hackers Need A New Name! was started from a conversation in this thread: http://www.daniweb.com/community-center/geeks-lounge/threads/428179/linux-anyone