What is gray hat SEO technic in SEO? Is it valid technic in Google? Please post your opinion on this important issue.


Grey hat, is what the lying bastards, offering to take your money call black hat SEO,
mix a little white in the black, call it grey

Right up to the point where the SE black-list your site and remove it from indexes.

It is much more difficult to get back into ser, than it is to get into ser

There is only white, and black

Gray hat SEO is the combination of White hat and Black hat SEO, this is maximumly done by newly learned SEO persons, because they are unaware of what ais black hat and white hat. But practicing this grey hat is risky.


Gray hat SEO is SEO techniques that take more risks than white hat SEO techniques but aren't likely to get your site banned from search engines (although a search engine penality could result). They're questionable SEO techniques but not in the same category as black hat SEO techniques. However, what's considered gray hat SEO today might be black hat SEO next year.

Gray hat SEO is the combination of White hat SEO and Black hat seo.Many websites following this Gray hat SEO only in Google.

A person Who do both black hat SEO & White hat SEO Techniques.

The combination of black hat and white hat SEO is called Grey Hat SEO

It is a mixture of black and white hat seo techniques....

A bit of advice is if you think something could be wrong do not do it.

Gray hat SEO is SEO techniques that take more risks than white hat SEO techniques but aren't likely to get your site banned from search engines

its a combination of both blue hat and white hat seo

Grey hat means using both back hat technques and white hat techniques for doing SEO. We must use only white hat techniques for doing SEO.

Its a mixture of black hat seo and white hat seo

Optimizing website by the combination of white hat and black hat techniques are called grey hat seo technique.

Gray hat seo is called mixture of black and white, and it is panalysed by search engine so i will sugget we should not use gray hat seo should technique, and one thing more later it could be turn in to black hat seo and be a reason to be banned your website.

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