hey frnds guide me and give me some seo tips as i am new in this field..!!

Concentrate on optimising your content. Logically name your web pages. Maximize optimizable web page components such as providing unique keyphrase rich Titles, Meta descriptions etc. Optimize images, videos ... Emphasize important keywords in various ways naturally. Expand your knowledge of the English language. Use anchor links internally focusing web pages you want to enforce. Support your SEO efforts with Social media influences, corporate blogging ...

Tip #1: Read lots of information that already exists on the web before you ask such a super broad question about a topic that is worthy of its own growing industry.

Seo is a helpful technique to make your site visible among search engine.On page and of page are two different techniques that can help you in ranking.On page includes
Meta tags
Title tags
H1-H2 tags
and many more
Off page includes
directory submissions,bookmarking,forums,ads posting,articles,blogs etc.
But last but not least important point is to do white hat SEO,that can give you natural ranking and permanent backlinks.

there are two parts of seo, first On page which deals with on site of web like Keyword Search, Meta Tags, Heading Tags, Content and so on.....2nd Off page is building link withn other sites.

Tips for SEO:-
-Focus on keywords
-Chose appropriate tags
-Keep your content fresh updated and unique
-Create quality backlinks by doing forum posting, social bookmarking, social networking, blog commenting, blog writin, article submission, etc.

thanks all for there guidance..!!

SeoDataService helped me to improve my rankings dramatically. <URL SNIPPED>

Simply there are 2 SEO strategies, it called onpage and off page, but bot of seo onpage anda seo offpage needed to emplement well to get the best results.

Little things can make a big difference when it comes down to improving organic search engine ranking.Top SEO tips that can be easily and quickly implemented, but pack a potent punch. All recommended SEO tips are "white hat" solutions.These are all important and you can apply to any industry or organization.
1.Free SEO is Still SEO
2.Start With Local SEO
3.Google SEO is a Slow Process
4.SEO Copywriting is Everything
5.SEO is Always Tough for Beginners
6.SEO Comes Before Web Design
7.Focus on Link Diversity
8.Read the Top Online SEO forums
9.Don’t Give Up
These are all important tips for SEO.

SEO is technqiue which is improve our website keyword ranking, visibility, populrity, traffics and visitors on the major search engine like Google, Msn and Yahoo etc.

commented: which has NOTHING to do with the question and, unsurprisingly, everything to do with spamming your signature links... -2

On page optimization SEO is one of the big factor in SEO.

commented: yawn -2

Please understand about guidelines of google for websites, and building backlinks.

Read the Google updates once before you start the seo projects. SEO results mainly depend upon Google Algorthim rule.

Basic SEO techniques for newbies/Beginners:-
1. Title tag is one of the most important on-site SEO components.
2. Meta data is information that is hidden in the code of your site and that the search engines use to find out more information about each page on your site. it is a most important part of your site.
3. Internal linking is most important for your web site. It’s help to improve for search engine rankings,
4. Content is extremely important and search engine like a good content.
5. Back link are still the most important off-site factor when it comes to where your site ranks.

If you are new to SEO and want to learn SEO than , I will suggest you to go SEOmoz and read the SEOmoz guide for the biggners. Here is link http://www.seomoz.org/ , this site is best source for learning SEO form biggening.

SEOmoz is really a good site for SEO & Internet Marketing...

Seo tips:
Create a blog
Pay attention to your URL
Avoid duplicating content
Title your photos properly
Optimize your tags

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