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General code-monkey and extreme metal drummer!

Drumming with Kinasis ( ) and teaching the drums.
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669 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for vegaseat

Here are a few of my favourites: Life, loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it. - Marvin the paranoid android (Hitch Hikers Guide To the Galaxy). I'm not afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens. - Woody Allen Either he's dead or …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Duki

Currently drinking copious amounts of my own blood! blech! :icon_eek: Don't worry, it's not some wierd satanic thing :icon_evil: and it's not one of those emo-style :icon_sad: self-mutilation moments either....No it's much more mundane than that. I went to the dentist and had a tooth removed yesterday! :scared: :S Unfortunately, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

To be honest, I haven’t distro hopped since Linux distros started moving from the venerable Gnome 2, to the frankly horrific Gnome 3. And have never really paid any attention to what’s happening on During my last big distro-hop I tried lots of different distros. I ended up using …

Member Avatar for Benjamin_17
Member Avatar for JasonHippy

OK, I have a very strange problem which recently started on my laptop (running Arch Linux) and it's got me really stumped! Basically my battery ran out whilst I was away from my laptop and it shut down... Which shouldn't really be a problem. But when I plugged my laptop …

Member Avatar for Stephen_46
Member Avatar for agrbinoo.albaker

You are using the wrong operator in your if statements. You need to be using the == operator in your if statements, not the = operator! = is the assignment operator, used to assign a value to a variable. Whereas == is the test for equality. EDIT: In fact, the …

Member Avatar for braian44
Member Avatar for jozz3

You're quite close. You have a few errors in there. First off in main you're calling calculate, but you've defined the function as intCalculate. There's one straight off the bat. Also your for loop should be: [CODE] for i in intValues intAnswer += i [/CODE] NOT [CODE] for i in …

Member Avatar for Smartfitness33
Member Avatar for Dani

@Dani: I started visiting less often around the time that all of the separate programming language topic forums were munged together. But this wasn't the cause of my decrease in activity. I'm more of an answers person. I come here to try and help others, rather than to ask questions. …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for allen_1

There is no need to convert it to C. It is already C code. But it uses conio.h, which is a non-standard C extension that is not supported by all compilers. Remove the include for conio and remove the call to getch at the end and you're left with standard, …

Member Avatar for Sahil Singh
Member Avatar for Luigi_4

Depending on the actual content of, you might be able to use input redirection to use the file as input to the script: `./ < /path/to/file` Or if file contains a list of file-names to search - you might be able to use xargs: `cat file | xargs ./` …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for sahilmohile15

From my understanding: Arrays are a thin wrapper on C style arrays. They can only contain objects of the same basic data-type, so they are more strongly typed - but they can only deal with numeric C-style data types. They are a lot more basic than lists or sets. Arrays …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for khess

[QUOTE=khess;1254689]Someone left a comment on one of my posts similar to, "Linux won't be popular on the Desktop until it runs [URL=""]Windows[/URL] applications." To which I silently responded, "Huh? and, "You've got to be kidding me." We have [URL=""]WINE[/URL] for running Windows applications and it works reasonably well for those …

Member Avatar for subhankar_2
Member Avatar for Nathan_6

> Of course, you need to restart bash after modifying ~/.bashrc. Actually you don't have to restart bash at all. You can re-load/re-source any of the changed config files in the running shell using the dot command ('.') which is a built-in. So after changing .bashrc, you can re-load it …

Member Avatar for Nathan_6
Member Avatar for Ivzirnalsradeys

OK, so that's your homework. What part of it are you having a problem with? It's not too difficult. The instructions are pretty clear. It might help you to understand the algorithm if you indent the pseudo-code in the same way that you would indent C++ code: Input A C …

Member Avatar for aanyadsouza
Member Avatar for Karthik_4

I'm not at all familiar with the nosetests package, I've never used it. And from taking a look at its man-page online, I can't see anything that mentions a --html-file option. However, I do know shell scripting. So here's a quick, simple shell-script to execute all .py files in the …

Member Avatar for Karthik_4
Member Avatar for Erek4

.ttf files are basically just fonts. In order to be able to use them, what you need to do is install the font on your system and then you should be able to use the font in any application that uses system fonts to display text, be they office/openoffice applications …

Member Avatar for mcdonalds_1
Member Avatar for ztdep

Looking at [the projects sourceforge page]( there is a patch to get the program to compile on gcc 4.3. I suggest you download and apply that patch and see if it builds on gcc 4.8. In case you don't know, you can install the patch using the following command in …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for boomtifier

That looks a lot like Python code to me. I think the OP has misposted in the C section. To compound things, he seems to have a load of line numbers included in the code he posted. I've just cleaned it up. Here's the OPs original python code: """ withdraw_money() …

Member Avatar for boomtifier
Member Avatar for vegaseat

As a native resident of the UK, I think floods and high-winds are about the worst of it. I live in Somerset, very near the levels which were badly affected by flooding earlier in the year. Luckily where I live we've been spared from any flooding so far. But I …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Sgo_1

First you'll need to install some form of Linux distro, then you need to install and configure Apache web server, MySQL (Or some other database engine) and PHP, before installing Wordpress on top of that! But the exact instructions would depend on how you plan to use your server and …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for DaveAmour

I listen to a lot of very different music, depending on my activity and my mood. Everything from classical, to blues/jazz/avante-garde, to pop, to hip-hop/electronica, to classic rock/metal/punk, right up to full-on extreme-metal and industrial/noise. Artists I listen to a lot, off the top of my head: Tool, Rush, AC/DC, …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for DragonMastur

It's a nice start I suppose. There are a few bugs and other improvements that could be made here and there, to make it a bit more robust and more cross-platform. For starters, the biggest problem: You haven't included the listing for your PyEditorErrors module. That's a bit of a …

Member Avatar for DragonMastur
Member Avatar for lewashby

As the old xkcd comic says: "sudo make me a sandwich" The files you listed are all owned by root. So you'll need root privileges in order to change the ownership of the files. Depending on which distro you have installed, either use 'sudo' at the start of the command, …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for tony75

I'm not really familiar with volatility, but at a guess, I'd say that it wants you to specify a dump directory using the --dump-dir command line option. So I'd guess you'd need to add `--dump-dir /path/to/dump/dir/` or `--dump-dir=/path/to/dump/dir/` to your volatility procdump command (depending on how it takes parameters to …

Member Avatar for tony75
Member Avatar for Ahmed_62

OK well, ignoring all of the usual niggly things in the code... Like the fact that main should return int and not void. And the fact that it makes programs much easier to understand if you have meaningful names for variables. etc etc. ad nauseum. The most obvious logical error …

Member Avatar for Ion_1
Member Avatar for rose_2

I had a problem a few days ago whilst messing around with JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit), trying to set up a recording session with Ardour on my machine running Kubuntu 14.04 (which like Manjaro, uses KDE as its desktop environment ). Somehow something went screwy and suddenly sound stopped …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for anumash

Great post Schol-R-LEA, but I have one very minor correction: > An array is not a pointer; it is a regular variable, just one which names a block of values rather than a single value Actually, an array is implicitly a pointer, it can be considered to be a pointer …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Not by choice, no! At home I've been using Linux exclusively for a good number of years now and I don't see myself ever switching to a non POSIX/non unix-like system. At work, where I have to use Windows and I get no say in that; I do exactly what …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for DavidB

I have a copy of 'version control with git' too. I also have 'pragmatic version control using git' by Travis Swicegood. Both are extremely good references for learning to use git. I like both books but IMHO, the 'pragmatic....' book is written in a more beginner friendly way. So you …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for larin83109

Rubbermans suggestion is the best one for last line mode. But in command mode there are several methods of removing text other than using x. Assuming the cursor is placed under the first letter of the word you wish to remove; Other than using x, which removes a single character …

Member Avatar for larin83109
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

The easiest way would be to install a python game/media library like pygame, pyglet or pySFML and use that to play your mp3. There are plenty of other media libraries with python language bindings. Search your Linux distros package lists for one of the above python modules, or you could …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24

The End.