Replied To a Post in What are some recommended Linux distributions for beginners?
To be honest, I haven’t distro hopped since Linux distros started moving from the venerable Gnome 2, to the frankly horrific Gnome 3. And have never really paid any attention … -
Replied To a Post in Biggest DaniWeb pain points
@Dani: I started visiting less often around the time that all of the separate programming language topic forums were munged together. But this wasn't the cause of my decrease in … -
Replied To a Post in C++ to C ????? i need help guys T.T I want to convert it to c but i cant
There is no need to convert it to C. It is already C code. But it uses conio.h, which is a non-standard C extension that is not supported by all … -
Replied To a Post in Pass file name down a pipeline in bash
Depending on the actual content of myScript.sh, you might be able to use input redirection to use the file as input to the script: `./myScript.sh < /path/to/file` Or if file … -
Replied To a Post in Use Array or Lists
From my understanding: Arrays are a thin wrapper on C style arrays. They can only contain objects of the same basic data-type, so they are more strongly typed - but … -
Replied To a Post in Having persistent stty settings
> Of course, you need to restart bash after modifying ~/.bashrc. Actually you don't have to restart bash at all. You can re-load/re-source any of the changed config files in … -
Replied To a Post in How to run multiple python file in a folder one after another
I'm not at all familiar with the nosetests package, I've never used it. And from taking a look at its man-page online, I can't see anything that mentions a --html-file … -
Replied To a Post in NURBS library installation problem
Ha ha, oops. I completely forgot about this thread... :/ Sorry! Haven't been online a huge amount in the last year or so. Looking at my HD, I still have … -
Gave Reputation to Moschops in Accessing private variables via object's address
> Does this mean C++ is inferior to other languages in its ability to truly implement data-hiding?? There's no such thing as a superior or inferior programming language; only the … -
Gave Reputation to DragonMastur in PyEditor1.6
I made a little py editor because I didn't want to go to all the troble of installing an idle, but I didn't like notepad either. Here it is! -
Replied To a Post in PyEditor1.6
It's a nice start I suppose. There are a few bugs and other improvements that could be made here and there, to make it a bit more robust and more … -
Replied To a Post in chown not working
Ah.... Just re-read your post. Looks like you're already logged in as root.... Hmmmm. Have you tried lsattr to see what attributes have been set on the files. I wonder … -
Replied To a Post in chown not working
As the old xkcd comic says: "sudo make me a sandwich" The files you listed are all owned by root. So you'll need root privileges in order to change the … -
Replied To a Post in volatility.plugins.procdump error
I'm not really familiar with volatility, but at a guess, I'd say that it wants you to specify a dump directory using the --dump-dir command line option. So I'd guess … -
Replied To a Post in Convert from Binary to decimal
OK well, ignoring all of the usual niggly things in the code... Like the fact that main should return int and not void. And the fact that it makes programs … -
Replied To a Post in problem with audio
I had a problem a few days ago whilst messing around with JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit), trying to set up a recording session with Ardour on my machine running … -
Replied To a Post in What Music Do People Like?
I listen to a lot of very different music, depending on my activity and my mood. Everything from classical, to blues/jazz/avante-garde, to pop, to hip-hop/electronica, to classic rock/metal/punk, right up … -
Replied To a Post in Arrays and variables
Going back to the OPs post: With ordinary variables, you have direct access to the value held by the variable, there is no need to dereference using the \* operator. … -
Replied To a Post in Arrays and variables
Great post Schol-R-LEA, but I have one very minor correction: > An array is not a pointer; it is a regular variable, just one which names a block of values … -
Replied To a Post in Would you ever?
Not by choice, no! At home I've been using Linux exclusively for a good number of years now and I don't see myself ever switching to a non POSIX/non unix-like … -
Gave Reputation to mike_2000_17 in Would you ever?
No. I would not choose to use a non unix-like system. I even consider it when looking for a job, that if they seem to be using Windows, I have … -
Replied To a Post in How to delete a word using the vi editor in last-line command mode
Rubbermans suggestion is the best one for last line mode. But in command mode there are several methods of removing text other than using x. Assuming the cursor is placed … -
Gave Reputation to rubberman in How to delete a word using the vi editor in last-line command mode
If you want to get rid of the "and" and leave the spaces, then do this: $s/ and/ / If you want to get rid of the "and" and the … -
Replied To a Post in How to open and play mp3 file in python?
@Froweey: os.startfile is Windows only. It doesn't exist for Unix/Linux based OSes. To use a specific program to open a file on Unix/Linux, then you would need to use Pythons … -
Replied To a Post in How to open and play mp3 file in python?
The easiest way would be to install a python game/media library like pygame, pyglet or pySFML and use that to play your mp3. There are plenty of other media libraries … -
Replied To a Post in Shoes!!!!
Nice find. Never heard of that one before! Will check it out at some point. Not done a lot of ruby programming. Would be a great excuse to give it … -
Replied To a Post in executing multiple .cc and .h file
What do you mean you "cannot execute it separately"?? I understand you have added a module consisting of some .cc and .h files to an existing project. But exactly what … -
Replied To a Post in vim after new installation
Are you sure you entered the entire line correctly? Here it is again - pasted directly from my .vimrc file: `map <F4> :e %:p:s,.h$,.X123X,:s,.cpp$,.h,:s,.X123X$,.cpp,<CR>` Try copy/pasting the entire line into … -
Replied To a Post in What's the best Python GUI framework?
Also there is pyQT - The python bindings for the QT GUI library. -
Replied To a Post in How to modify colors and things like this in Desktop Environment?
Take a look at this. Should tell you all you need to know know: http://cinnamon.linuxmint.com/?p=144 As for the clock, I have no idea. Could it be conky, with a custom …
The End.