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439 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for joseph101

I use constantcontact ( to send out a monthly newsletter, paid version. It is double opt-in; subscribers sign up, are sent an email to confirm their subscription, and then are subscribed. That way, people can't just add a bunch of emails addresses to a database and then start sending out …

Member Avatar for ashleydent4u
Member Avatar for vegaseat

"Patriotism isn't the same as nationalism. The former is a healthy love and respect for your country, but the latter is blind, total, and unrestricted support for any and all legislation, policies, or activities of a nation. Nationalism is the extreme, whereas patriotism is the goal, because good patriots know …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for pritaeas

Good to see you back! Life is busy for everybody, I think. > Changed jobs, married, moved and busy getting this house in order mostly. Hopefully, the change of job is to something better, more satisfying, better paying, more convenient location, etc. (Also, if you think you are busy now, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DavidB

This is an extremely basic question, but I haven't found an answer yet. I recently purchased a brand-new computer with Windows 10 and at the moment am using the Microsoft Edge browser that came with it. I would like to open some offline (HTML) pages, but the Control-O feature to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for DavidB

I am updating a C++ program, part of which copies arrays of doubles by iterating through each array (copies elements of array wa2 into array X): for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) { X[j] = wa2[j]; } // End for j I would like to use the built-in …

Member Avatar for Tom_40
Member Avatar for Dani

Another aspect: it displays differently, depending upon what browser is used. In Google Chrome, I see three columns presenting a variety of topics being discussed on Daniweb. It reminds me of the old Yahoo! page from 15 - 20 years ago, and all its copycats, that threw everything out on …

Member Avatar for alan.davies
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

> A recent study done by a think tank hired by Canadian airline companies has come to the conclusion that if the airlines charged less money then people would buy more tickets. Your topic hits a nerve; it is something we have been kvetching about for a *long* time. In …

Member Avatar for alan.davies
Member Avatar for DavidB

Some of my connections on LinkedIn have been sending me requests to also connect with them on ReferHire and Dock (if you're on LinkedIn, you probably know what I am talking about.) So far, I have resisted. My first impression is something like, "Great. More social media networks. Isn't there …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for DavidB

I haven't used Twitter but keep seeing it mentioned in the social media community. And a couple weeks ago, I attended a short course in which Twitter was mentioned as a tool for job hunting (in addition to LinkedIn). So now I am considering creating an account and trying it …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Hamsterking

A couple additional comments. You should check that the calculation of *half* is really what you want. The upper limit for the iteration might be DIM/2 - 1. Also, I'd recommend using a different variable name for *max*. *max* is a predefined function in C++. It takes in two operators …

Member Avatar for Hamsterking
Member Avatar for Audrey F18

Hello, Audrey. Welcome to the DaniWeb forums. We are glad you joined us. These forums are an excellent resource: lots of good information and many knowledgeable members here. It is a great place for the sharing of ideas. I am sure you will learn a lot here. See you around …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

If you want a laugh, and don't mind some potty humour, some of the reviews on Amazon are pretty funny too. Here is a link I received from a member of the Pasadena IBM Users Group (PIBMUG) some time ago: The Questions and Answers, and quotes, are funny, but …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for davy_yg

It sounds like you are looking for a version (or revision) control system. They offer ways to highlight the changes made between one version of a file and another. Have you looked into Tortoise SVN or Git? Actually, there are some old threads here on Daniweb you would probably find …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for heo

toupper is a built-in function in C++, defined in <cctype>, so it should be accessible throughout the program. Unless you have named one of your user-created sub-routines "toupper"--which is a really bad idea.

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for harsha_6

Or maybe, "Why is the if condition not working?" It's outside the main loop.

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for DavidB

I have translated many numerical math programs from FORTRAN into C++ and JavaScript. The original FORTRAN source code listings are posted on the NETLIB site and have been in the public domain for 20, 30, years. The C++ and JavaScript translations that I write are hand-coded, line-by-line, and repeatedly tested …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for buckinghamshire

Grüezi, Sandra. Welcome to the DaniWeb forums. I lived in Zürich for about six months; it is a beautiful city, but expensive. And it is so central, it felt like being in the middle of everything (two hours in any direction and you are in a completely different country/climate.) I …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for Dani

Yes, I will miss them too. I got some links in there a LONG time ago, and they were left in through many edits, clean-outs, removal of garbage, etc. I had hoped, since much of the garbage was gone, the directory would live on for a while. I wonder what …

Member Avatar for Otir
Member Avatar for Dani

Yeah, Google does some funny things. I recently finished a brand-new math program and uploaded the page onto my size. Then I wrote a blog post about it. My intention is that the page with the program on it should be relatively spartan, and the blog post is to provide …

Member Avatar for Paul_49
Member Avatar for DavidB

I have been writing plain old vanilla JavaScript pages for a while, for numerical math problems. Usually, I create one page for a specific problem. For example, one page to solve a system of 3 Equations in 3 Unknowns, one page to solve a system of 4 Equations in 4 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for DavidB

I am trying to translate an old FORTRAN program to C++ and appear to have hit a brick wall. I do not understand how one of the variables returned by a sub-routine can ever take a particular value. I am not a FORTRAN master; maybe somebody here is more familiar …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Oleg_3

Hello, Oleg. Welcome to the DaniWeb forums. We are glad you joined us. These forums are an excellent resource: lots of good information and many knowledgeable members here. It is a great place for the sharing of ideas. I am sure you will learn a lot here. See you around …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for Homeandstyle

You should have a presence on all the sites mentioned so far. You should especially not underestimate YouTube; YouTube is the second biggest search engine on the Internet after Google. But nobody thinks about it like that. So if you can make a brief video relevant to your product or …

Member Avatar for Webfortuners
Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

Computers are relatively inexpensive nowadays; perhaps you could purchase one for around $300 - $400 and use that as your Linux computer. It is about the same cost as registering for a night-school course at a local college. We can speculate all we want about what might happen, but you …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for JeniAnderson

Hello, Jeni. Welcome to the DaniWeb forums. We are glad you joined us. These forums are an excellent resource: lots of good information and many knowledgeable members here. It is a great place for the sharing of ideas. I am sure you will learn a lot here. See you around …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for javier_5

Hello, Javier. Welcome to the DaniWeb forums. We are glad you joined us. These forums are an excellent resource: lots of good information and many knowledgeable members here. It is a great place for the sharing of ideas. I am sure you will learn a lot here. See you around …

Member Avatar for javier_5
Member Avatar for DavidB

I finally registered for a Twitter account and just added it to my Daniweb Profile. At first, I tried to add the full URL, but an error message popped up stating only letters, numbers, and underscores were allowed. So I changed the field entry to my username only (not even …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for MICKYDARLING

Hello, "MickyDarling". Welcome to the DaniWeb forums. We are glad you joined us. These forums are an excellent resource: lots of good information and many knowledgeable members here. It is a great place for the sharing of ideas. I am sure you will learn a lot here. See you around …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for tobyITguy

Toby, did you ever get the issue resolved? It is also affected by your LinkedIn account settings. If you have all your LinkedIn feeds disabled, nothing will come into Daniweb either. In my own Daniweb account, I used to connect to my LinkedIn account. However, I later edited all my …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ggeoff

I experienced a similar problem some time ago (trying to get data off a crashed harddrive on a Dell laptop). However, I didn't even try to fix it myself; I brought it in to a local computer repair store, they moved the hard drive in to a comparable Dell laptop, …

Member Avatar for mindmergepk

The End.