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- Q6600, 2GB Corsair XMS2 RAM, 500GB Samsung HDD, nVidia 8800 GT. Running Debian Lenny
677 Posted Topics
Has anyone tried [Mastodon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon_(software)) yet? For those who don't know it's a federated, distributed and (currently) technology-orientated social network (well, rather a group of interoperable social networks) that's fully open source and ad-free. I've been impressed so far but as with every new network, whether it flies or not will … | |
Re: I think the next big thing is to sign up for forums with a female name and fake avatar and make nothing posts with links to shit websites that like they were created with badly farmed content. | |
Re: This is exactly the sort of post that shouldn't exist. It's just shit in every way. | |
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Re: It's not difficult to get something with Facebook-like functionality up and going on a small scale. I could build a working prototype in a couple of days. The difficult bit is attracting users. Google couldn't do it with their resources for Google+. | |
Re: Now you can run SQL Server and .NET on Linux, the remaining differences are user familiarity and price. Linux is free but if you already use and know Windows, Linux might seem complicated. Also, Windows isn't as easy to administrate remotely and trickier to secure. | |
Re: The short answer is that it depends who I'm talking to. With other people who are interested in technology I use hacker in the traditional sense (white hat). With muggles (many of my clients), it's easier to use the word to describe the black hat variety. It just means I … | |
Re: Another thread full of useless information. How long would this have lasted on Stack Overflow? Not long. And **that** is why people go there. This is why forums fell behind. This right here. | |
Re: You might want to consider moving `/home` to its own partition. Then you can replace the OS at will without needing to go through the copying everything to an external hard drive and back routine (although still backup regularly, it's a good habit). | |
Re: If you're using the latest version of macOS where the default shell changed to zsh you can glob it /tmp ❯ mkdir -p omg/wtf/bbq /tmp ❯ touch omg/wtf/bbq/{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.css /tmp ❯ tree omg omg └── wtf └── bbq ├── 10.css ├── 1.css ├── 2.css ├── 3.css ├── 4.css ├── 5.css ├── … | |
![]() | Re: I use `fd` for this kind of thing. https://github.com/sharkdp/fd |
Re: This is difficult because even though the experience has been improved (thanks) it's not massively intuitive. For example, if I'm browsing around looking for an interesting thread to read/contribute to, I see this:  Awesome, there was a post 4 hours ago! **Clicks link**  3 days, 5 days, 9 … | |
Re: https://www.ampproject.org/ Based on your prior record Davy, I think it will take you 98 forum questions and 14 pastings of random code you find on the internet to solve it. | |
Re: Grade F: rahul_63 | |
Re: You can also use filters to *filter out* data from your own networks. This will prevent internal use of your site/app by employees/testers from influencing statistics. | |
Re: I still find it funny that *the* place to go for online tech discussion ([Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/news)) still uses nested tables for all layout. I know it's wrong but it works pretty well. These days [CSS Grid](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Grid_Layout) does everything tables does better *and* in a responsive manner. | |
Re: Looks like this has been a problem in PHP for a [long time](https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/issues/37). On a brighter note, it looks like [a fix is on the way](https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/issues/1267). | |
Re: You want your table and every cell within it to be `5px` wide and have `5px` padding? I think you should start by learning [how CSS selectors work](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Introduction_to_CSS/Selectors). | |
Re: Without original content you'll struggle. And high quality original content, believe it or not, takes time and effort (or time and money!). Also, blocking your site up with a non closeable image on mobile is not a good sign. | |
Re: While you're at it Dani, I think there should be a preference somewhere to hide (or group, maybe) the "began watching a topic" and "viewed a topic" cards. Am more interested in posts and replies. The data can still be presented I think, just maybe a little less promenant. Maybe … | |
Re: I use [`diff`](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff_utility) for this kind of thing. | |
Re: They did a whole visual refresh as part of their tenth birthday celebration. Hard to imagine that eleven years ago Firefox was fast catching up to IE and it looked like it was going to be a two horse race for the foreseeable future. | |
Re: Posts like [this](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/516332/javascript). They should be deleted instantly. To be honest, for new members, the post shouldn't even become visible until an admin has verified it. It's **pollution** and it damages the site. | |
Re: The fact this post hasn't just been deleted is a bad sign. Burn it with fire. | |
Re: It would appear that the leak is available; the reason I logged in after quite a break was that I received an email from [haveibeenpwned.com](https://haveibeenpwned.com/) telling me that: > **You've been pwned!** > You signed up for notifications when your account was pwned in a data breach and unfortunately, it's … | |
Re: Excluding your aggregate columns you need to `group by` all you `select` by. That's just the way it works. | |
Re: They are synonymous, if you check the official docs it says as much. The reason they're both there is for familiarity, SQL Server and DB2 use `lcase`, Oracle and PostgreSQL use `lower`. | |
Re: All RDBMs have more-or-less the same [Transaction Isolation Levels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isolation_(database_systems)) but sometimes they go by slightly different names and MySQL has a few extra oddities. Before going further understanding what a dirty read is and how to avoid it is important. `READ WRITE` and `READ ONLY` set the level of access … | |
Re: I'd just use [toLocaleTimeString](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toLocaleTimeString). let options = {weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric'}; let now = new Date(); console.debug(now.toLocaleTimeString("en-GB", options)); If you need more formatting control then you could use a library like [Fecha](https://github.com/taylorhakes/fecha) or [moment.js](https://momentjs.com/) where you can do stuff like this: // in fecha fecha.format(new Date(2015, … | |
Re: MySQL binds `current_timestamp()`/`now()` at the beginning of the statement so I believe all of your records would have the same `created_at` value. If you wanted them to differ I think you'd need to use a cursor and separate insert statements. |
The End.