Chrome just prompted me to restart to update to the latest version, as it sometimes does. I did it, and the browser looks entirely different. Completely unexpected. It looks more like Firefox now, IIRC. Not really a problem with it, just surprised and thought I'd comment.

Just looked and I have Version 69.0.3497.92 (Official Build) (64-bit).

What version did you have and what is the version now?

That is, I haven't seen any big change.


On macOS.

You don't notice the entirely new window rendering and new design for tabs? And new look of the URI bar? (Which, pretty much covers every aspect there is to a web browser lol).

They did a whole visual refresh as part of their tenth birthday celebration. Hard to imagine that eleven years ago Firefox was fast catching up to IE and it looked like it was going to be a two horse race for the foreseeable future.

To me it's subtle and didn't notice it till you called it out.

The only news to me was about Chrome hiding the real URL. That is, changing your URL to omit the www. and .m.

That is an area I'm going to write "does not need fixing." The moment you tinker with the URL like that, is when I worry that I'm at the site I wanted to be at.

-> I think the reason I don't notice such things is I bounce from machine to machine to mobile to another machine during the week and the exact rendering changes along the way. Thanks for pointing it out.

To me it's subtle and didn't notice it till you called it out.

I think because I've had my head buried in front-end web dev lately, with the whole DaniWeb/Dazah merger.

That being said, I'm not noticing the changes you're pointing out on the vortex website. URL looks like to me.

There was backlash against URL tampering and the change was rolled back for now. You can imagine the support issues when folk report issues and they supply you with the tampered URL.

If you do not like the update, you can install the old version of the browser Chrome.

Chrome is a fast secure free web browser. Get more done will the new chrome, no more explore, chroe browser window with password save dialog. Googal chrome is a freeware web browser deveolped by googal LLC. The deveolpment processis split in to differant release channels, each working on a build in a saperate stage deveolpment. Chrome provide 4 channels, stage, beta and dev, or canary. Chrome update every two three weeks for minor release and every six weeks formajor release.

commented: meh -1

the new chrome is all about speed and easier user interfernce. the bookmark things are changed.
the great part is in next uodate the introducing ad blocks option

I remember seeing this post, but I don't remember what my impression was. But I'm up to v74 and I notice no change: Did some of the changes retrograde or is it different under different OSes?

@ernie, I didn't even notice when it changed last time. I bounce from machine to machine and across phones at work during testing so subtle things like the search box going from a square to rounded didn't register.

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