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186 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

# "Big" brother pluto # You could wrap Russia around Pluto with a bit of left overs. Russia area - Pluto area = "only" 1398km^2 # Faith not crazy # Christopher Langan. American with IQ reported between 195-210 claims that within religions and science there is possibility they will cross …

Member Avatar for John_smith
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon I just put it here.

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for jerry12

If you really want a protection, paranoidal, I recommend you **Comodo** with **Paranoid Mode** on. I almost fell off the chair, when I found Comodo asking "Can I allow *explorer.exe* access to *C:/Users/admin/Desktop/games/*". Or "Can I allow *firefox.exe* access to registry keys".

Member Avatar for Amy_11
Member Avatar for RikTelner

About 3 days ago. My laptop started behaving strangely (I'm on it, right now). I let it fall couple of times, but that was really some time ago about 3 months. Everything worked fine, no errors, crashes, "instant deaths". But recently, as said, 3 days ago. Laptop popped me out …

Member Avatar for Peter_67
Member Avatar for RikTelner

`l(x)` is my shortcut to `console.log(x)`. `item.php` has text "EYES!!", just that. var session = $.get("item.php", function(data) { session = data; }) l(session); // *all XHR flags in an object, responseText ("EYES!!"), status (200) etc. $.get("item.php", function(data) { session = data; }) l(session); // undefined $.get("item.php", function(data) { l(data) }) …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for RikTelner

I have main PHP file, and dozen of less files, something like modules, they work this way (imaginary file): if ($_GET["action"] == "login") { require_once("login.php"); return login_something($_GET["credit"]); } That `require_once();` and `return function(data);` recur a lot in my code. It looks kinda nasty, is there no way to make this …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for RikTelner

$(document.getElementById("item1"), document.getElementById("item2")).click(function () { $(this).fadeOut(); }); <span id="item1">This is item 1</span><br /> <span id="item2">This is item 2</span> span#item1 { color: red; } span#item2 { color: green; } `span#item1` is affected. `span#item2` not, that means I made mistake in syntax. Is there a way to get it to work. I know …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Assume you guys are done with your professional projects. Do you write explanation of working of your projects in the comments in the code. Or do you write entire documentation addressing every variable and function? Or do you do both? If you do both, how do you avoid repeating yourself? …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for RikTelner I've tried 5 different solutions, **FIVE** of them, and **NONE** of them work. I hear Microsoft laughing ever so evily around the corner while grinding hands against one another like a psychopath. Does Microsoft hate developers or something? THEIR OWN FILTERS, DON'T WORK. WHY PROVIDE IMPLEMENTATION OF SOMETHING THAT …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Things like maintenance, website background, website title, favicon etc., where would it be best to store them? It would be single array of items. Do I just write it in flat CSV file, flat XML file, or use database for it (sounds pretty stupid to create single-row-table)? (*sorry for mess …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for RikTelner

I take two versions of Open Sans from Google Fonts' servers. Regular and a bold one. As soon as page loads, the font is shown nicely. The idea is something like this { font-weight: 400; } { font-weight: 800; } There's jQuery snippet that says that as soon …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Let's say I have such table: +----+------------------+ | id | participantsId | +----+------------------+ | 1 | 1,24,192,3481,12 | +----+------------------+ I'd like to select every single result in this table, where user with ID `3481` has partcipated. How can I do that? Ye old `SELECT * FROM example WHERE paricipantsId=$id` won't …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for RikTelner Here are two latest Firefox's screenshot of my latest project. On Microsoft Windows 7 and Linux Ubuntu 14.04LTS. Couple things of concern: - I aligned both screenshots so that logo's (blurred) align perfectly from first pixel. - Even though it looks like barely 100 pixels overhead, Windows' menu takes …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for RikTelner

I have following (really long) statement: > When I develop website that is entirely compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, and make it work foulless, I'll make sure that website doesn't require JavaScript to run, and I will make it work entirely without it. Afterwards I will add CSS3 little …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for RikTelner

--- (nevermind, I'm just not good enough for it, I'll go for less appealing solution that I know) ---

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for RikTelner Having above code. This is as far as I've gotten. I need someone to instruct me on three things. First off, how do I make sure it appear smoothly? I have `transition` but it doesn't seem to work, must be other way. Second, there is some code that I …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for RikTelner `nav a div { display: none; }` is being ignored. I don't know why, it's just these 3 simple "selectors" on to another, I really can't see it. In `<nav>` there's a `<a>` and there's `<div>` in this `<a>` that needs to be hidden. It doesn't hide. This isn't …

Member Avatar for godfreysseki
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Currently I have something like this (a bit modified): function function1($param) { $ans = @file_get_contents($param); if (!$ans) return ("Failure"); return json_decode($ans, true); } Extremely straight forward. However, the `file_get_contents()` gets answer from an API, that has proven to be a little stinky boa. It sometimes answers incorrectly, or "Access Denied" …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Consider following back-end script. <?php if (isset($_GET["req"])) { $req = $_GET["req"]; if ($req == "delete") { // Very intense calculation which finally results in deletion. } if ($req == "add") { // Very intense calculation which finally results in addition. } if ($req == "modification") { // Very intense calculation …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for RikTelner

That might be quiet strange question. Would any of you tell me basic teachings about your life? Something as if you would be thinking like "Oh darn, if I just knew 30 years ago to do that, life would've been much easier!", or "Crap, why didn't I do this in …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jim3472

I would recommend, if you have any installation CD of Windows or USB of any type. To reinstall your Windows on the drive itself, DO NOT FORMAT OR DELETE PARTITIONS, just select partition where your Windows is installed or was installed. After installation process, your old files (from older Windows) …

Member Avatar for mindmergepk
Member Avatar for cproger
Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for christina>you
Member Avatar for RikTelner

recently ive seen video of a man which showed on how A* works, that is some algorhythm for pathfinding in 2d in games, to show this he made a game in c# (visual studio only), where he could explore the "maze" board in 3d and could see the red square …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for RikTelner

If I had a server, but I don't want to have it at home, at all costs. (dreaming starts here) I'd like to put my server (size of a home PC) in a room that would be 1m by 1m by 2m. Which would have electricity slot (I don't know …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Related: The error of my laptop, the HDD turned out to be the culprit. They tried to recover data, but it won't really work and I think they just pull me off my money, I can get them to wipe the HDD and make it useful again for 50 …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for sham

Let me ask you a question, if I told you you have two apples for each day, how many apples would you have at the end of the year? Solve this without using memory, then 2 minutes later, come to me with answer without reading it or hearing it anywhere.

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for jim3472

C:\Users\myname>systeminfo | FINDSTR /C:"Memory" Total Physical Memory: 3.983 MB Available Physical Memory: 1.148 MB Virtual Memory: Max Size: 7.965 MB Virtual Memory: Available: 4.571 MB Virtual Memory: In Use: 3.394 MB C:\Users\myname> Try command `systeminfo | FINDSTR /C:"Memory"`, it may kinda take long. **Total Physical Memory:** Actual RAM installed: 4GB. …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for roscotech

May you be using laptop? I have sometimes same problem, it turns out, that when my charger is plugged out, it has much better performance = 120FPS in game, 45MB/s HDD. But when it's plugged in, text appears 2 seconds later, 25FPS in game, 20MB/s HDD. And it's not performance …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for omarsherpur

If your uh, USB has a letter (let's assume it has letter B). Use following commands: DISKPART list disk select disk X format fs=dat32 label="My pendrive" quick assign letter Z Don't just copy this, just copy-paste this LINE BY LINE. After `list disk`, you will be given all the disks …

Member Avatar for RikTelner

The End.