Veitnam---- Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia--> Asia

Asia -----> Pakistan

Pakistan -> Head Turban

head turban-----> white

Asia --> Europe

Asia --> Europe

the word was white any way

Europe ---- \england

England -> Tea

(Sorry, blokes)

tea--> China
(that's ok)

China -> Rice

Rice -> Lunch

Rice---> Noodles

Noodles - Yellow colour worms:D

Yellow colour worms --> Armageddon

Armageddon --> movie

Movie---> The legend of guardians (city of Gahool)

Guardians - Guardians of the underworld

Guardians of the underworld --> born slippy

Born slippi --> bannana


monkey - Monkey King

king---> Caspian

Caspian - Caspian Sea

Caspian Sea --> sea monster

Moster --> Me when people distract me from programming

Me when people distract me from programming ------> relaxed :D

relaxed --> vacation


movies --> Not vacation!

not vacations ----> work

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