digging -> gold

gold -> shiny

shiny ---> glitter

glitter --> dazzle

dazzle -> razzle

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razzle --> pallazo

pallazo --> D'OH ! (what the hell does pallazo mean?)

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D'OH ! --> Homer

Homer --> Epiphany

Epiphany --> suprise

suprise --> Surprise


Surprise -> Gift

Gift --> wiseman

wiseman --> intelligent

intelligent --> me

me ->> really?

really -> fiction

fiction -> Non-fiction

non-fiction ---> harry potter!

Harry Potter -> Spells

Spells ---> Voodoo

Voodoo-->F-101 Voodoo (American Fighter Aircraft)

American Fighter Aircraft --> war

War--- America :)

America -- Native Indians

Native Indians------- West Indies

The Ranger --> Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris --> Missing In Action

Missing in action --> Vietnam

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