Greetings, dear Python forum users, from newly appointed moderator pyTony!
There have been some development lock up of the Forum database occuring due to debugging process of current transition process to new Forum software. I have today been appointed as moderator and I have started to learn the processes involved by little clean up of some recent threads in this my 'Home Forum'. I hope I can do my duties well, and sorry that English not being my native language, my language may not allways be flawless.
If you have not done so, click the Formatting Help link found in corner of editing box of the shining new editor to familiarize yourself with the easy to use Markdown language now used for post formatting in our Forum.
* paste your code and after that move up highlighting the code by keeping the SHIFT key down, push TAB
* Push Code button from menu bar without selection and paste your code to opened windows
If you want to copy code from posts, you should double click the post to get the plain text of the post highlighted, then do copy/paste with your prefered way
There is much helpfull information on the Daniweb Community Feedback Forum.
Thank you for your understanding during this transition time of the Forum software!
Let's us also appreciate the huge development effort and sleepless nights of Dani to get the new Forum software up and running!
P.S. Hope you have been enjoying the code snippets our Python posters have been collecting for your support.