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28 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for jsherm101

Microsoft is just about over the three day hump that has been their timid Windows 8 release, and amid the [cries of anger]( over die-hard user, it's apparent Microsoft's move toward Windows 8 was one for the long term, not the short time. ![Win8-logo1](/attachments/small/3/Win8-logo1.jpg "align-left") While some jump to call …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for jsherm101

Aside from being one of the [most hated CEOs]( in the world of technology, Steve Ballmer is hard at work trying to design a new world for Microsoft and the future of consumer electronics and, simultaneously, saving himself from a history of redicule. Ballmer's ambitious claim of [400 million]( Windows …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for jsherm101

![inline-2-windows-8-logo-pgram](/attachments/small/3/inline-2-windows-8-logo-pgram.jpg "align-left") It's been a month since Windows 8, and if you've been using the new OS you're likely going through a period of confusion over the new Modern UI interface, as well as wondering if there's anything you're missing out on. The Windows 8 experiene is significantly different from …

Member Avatar for Laura530
Member Avatar for Curtscope

Depends on your product - some products sell better with contextual advertising with AdWords, or other network partners - some ads sell better with more personalized or rich media content.

Member Avatar for chandrakanth.raibagi.9
Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for jsherm101

While they have, in past years, enjoyed glorious recognitino such as the iconic ["Worst Company in America"]( award, Comcast isn't letting its data-caps go away anytime soon, and while they have raised some of their caps in some markets, it's apparent the motive of the entire movement is far from …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for jsherm101

![IMG_5690_(Small)](/attachments/small/3/IMG_5690_(Small).JPG "align-left") At a whopping 33 pounds, the Laserjet Pro 400 M425dn is certainly nothing compared to the massive printers you'd see in major offices or computer labs, but comes packed with everything you'd need for your small business or home office. While the printer strangely focuses black & white …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jsherm101

For the last two years a transition has been apparent between the various mobile phone carriers in the United States. On one end, AT&T and Verizon have seem extreme growth, together covering nearly 2/3rds of the current market share. On the other, Sprint & T-Mobile have been begging for growth, …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jsherm101

![IMG_5798_(Medium)](/attachments/small/3/IMG_5798_(Medium).JPG "align-left") HP has kicked their line of enterprise printing into high gear for Q4, combining ease of use, versatility, and sleek design into their latest Laserjets. One such printer, their Laserjet Enterprise 500 MFP M575f is HP's answer to companies looking for something with complete versatility, that can sit …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jsherm101

![DFP_SmallBusiness_color](/attachments/small/3/DFP_SmallBusiness_color.jpg "align-left") Whether you own a small personal blog or a top 1000 website, the importance of monetizing your website to the fullest is essential. Depending on your needs and the type of website you have, there are a variety of ways to improve your ability to monetize, simplify your …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for sukritinfotech

If you own a website that regularly posts content, setting up a feedburner ( allows your posts on the website to be syndicated, as well as give you a look into your subscriber counts, etc. once you have a feed you can track, you can use RSS Feed submission sites …

Member Avatar for papercupmachine
Member Avatar for TioNacho

If you've been potentially infected to the point you can't rid it from safe mode you'll have to try third party recovery, such as through sportmau or acronis, other software that can let you access the PC's environment without using the OS. Another example would be to use a linux …

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Member Avatar for cpvweb

if you're worried about payouts, it means you have a low traffic volume. If this is the case, Adsense is the most contextually sound and reliable advertising once it gets ramped up and efective - otherwise you will work with some sketchy or less-than-average paying advertising networks. Unless you get …

Member Avatar for ProSence
Member Avatar for jsherm101

Around midday on October 22, a number of [top websites all went down](, among them including Reddit, Minecraft, Pinterest and Foursquare. The iconic 404 of these sites and many more is a shock, especially considering just how essential these websites are to most users of the web as a source …

Member Avatar for jsherm101
Member Avatar for Dani

The first thing to happen when a popular site gets bought out is either a systematic removal of editors & writers they don't want, or a big change in advertising. Also - being slashdotted was back in a time when social-media generated content wasn't as weighted as it is now …

Member Avatar for logo32design
Member Avatar for jyotsna01

The easiest way is to use a CMS or Blogging software like Wordpress, which will make crawling a lot easier and has plenty of free SEO plugins that make this a breeze to handle instead of a lot of meticulous code snippets to post on your site for SEO with …

Member Avatar for lucyrai1
Member Avatar for samuelmax

Yes - the strategy is that Google's algorithms put less weight toward linkbuilding and more toward content considered "useful" by users. You should focus in investing in unique content that encourages visitors to share your links via social media and other sources, as opposed to straight old link building. If …

Member Avatar for indiainternet00
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I think it depends on if there's more activity and growth. Mobile development is very quiet here compared to much larger communities like XDA-Developers, though those sort of sites focus on the device and more hacker-type stuff, than just app development. There could be a lot of potential for mobile …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for skytang

if you cant get it to post (ie make it to the BIOS) then it's 90% of the time your motherboard, or your power supply, especially when using it with A/C try to plug in a different A/C adapter, otherwise your laptop is kaput. It's really inefficient to try to …

Member Avatar for johhny-marshal
Member Avatar for jsherm101

Over the last few hours of the day GoDaddy's (and GoDaddy managed) websites have been [on the fritz]( as webmasters and visitors alike are unable to access millions of websites held within GoDaddy's datacenters in an apparent Denial of Service [(DDOS)]( attack. GoDaddy is currently scrambling to restore service to …

Member Avatar for jsherm101
Member Avatar for CriticalError

we're running a news article / discussion regarding it

Member Avatar for jsherm101
Member Avatar for jsherm101

![IMG_5674016](/attachments/fetch/L2ltYWdlcy9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8zL0lNR181Njc0MDE2LmpwZw%3D%3D/300 "align-left") These days scanners are no longer the flat-bed monstrosities of yesteryear, but have instead evolved into the sheet-fed beasts of today, capable of scanning dozens of pages in a matter of minutes. While some advertise their portability, or ability to easily organize your documents (such as with the …

Member Avatar for jsherm101
Member Avatar for np complete

If it's under the warranty then contact APC and see if there might be a software issue. Another issue could be (depending how old it is) your battery is no longer able to hold a charge. UPSes can be very finickey as they get old, so really you might need …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for JamesG2

It's very circumstantial on what files you run. Viruses can appear from browsing certain websites, running certain programs, or opening files with malicious content within. If you contstantly handle such files (and essentialy maintain constant internet access) you will want some sort of free anti-virus (like Avira, or Clamwin) If …

Member Avatar for johhny-marshal
Member Avatar for siyajoshi

link exchange is a historical way to build page rank and SEO as Google used to stress a lot of ranking and page stats with how many backlinks (links back to your site) you had. The thing is that Google used to feel that the number of backlinks was proportional …

Member Avatar for jsherm101
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

IF you know the voltage and wattage ratings of the various components you can probably put together a rough estimate on consumption based on how everything changes in wattage usage

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

You'll have pros and cons if you decide to go ahead and deny the unregistered to your content as it may actually hurt traffic initially, but encourage repeat users to continue visiting. In the end the website and what it offers is what will determine if users continute to visit …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for akosijansel

Depends really on whichever language you are most confident with. If you like python Panda3D is an excellent freeware engine, but those more adept with C++ / C may prefer a more traditional engine like Unreal (if you can afford the licensing), and now popular web languages like Java and …

Member Avatar for jsherm101

The End.