Can anybody tell me is Link exchange is a Blcak hat method or white hat seo method?

In link exchange there are many types, in that reciprocal link exchange , unrelated content link exchange are black hat techniques.

It depends what your intentions are.

When i primarily do link exchange... These are the things i analyse:

1) Thematic sites
2) Getting a link from unique IP address.
3) Homepage of the site or the page where my url is placed must have a High PR.
4) Outbound links of the page should be less then 40.

If all the above conditions are met then only i go ahead with link exchange. I consider it as a white hat techniques unless you are linking with FFA.

Make different sections or pages if you are planning to get link with non-related domains

Link exchanging is a black hat technique because search engine like Google’s latest penguin update is against it.

link exchange is the best way to increase the page rank.But the google updates the link exchange are the black hat seo techniques.

Now it is not effective , it may noe cosierd as balck hate due to Google update

Focus on your web site content and getting vistors to visit your site and they will create quality backlinks for you naturally. this is really the goal that you should be working towards..

Link exchanging is a fading grey hat technique.

Link exchange is the reciprocal link exchange. This is a black-hat SEO after google's penguin update.

I agree that penguin updates alerts you against unnatural linking. But if you can get backlinks from authority domain then i don’t think Google will be against it.

Link exchange is black-hat seo methord .

website user experience //Important

link exchange is a historical way to build page rank and SEO as Google used to stress a lot of ranking and page stats with how many backlinks (links back to your site) you had. The thing is that Google used to feel that the number of backlinks was proportional to the amount of popularity your site was to others as a source of information.

Since Panda (and many other) updates for Google and so on, backlinking is less popular than it used to be for getting sites to build traffic as it no longer is weighed as much as it used to be. Any method that does not involve organic link building (meaning it involves real users trying to encourage linking and building on your site) is considered unethical

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