It's hard to imagine how such a simple Internet task could have evolved into one of the biggest social tragedies of our day.
Ever since Google smashed the world with this PageRank nonsense, it seems the object of the growing Internet marketing world is to link, and incessantly they do. It's to the point of lunacy now. The link building frenzy has gone completely nuts. It's way out-of-hand and may never be reeled back in. The money's flying everywhere and there's no body controlling it.
My neighbours use search engines ads (poorly most the time). They have 0% knowledge where there advertising dollar is REALLY going. Not a clue and not a care. This apathetic attitude is prevalent throughout society. Nobody seems to care. As long as the rankings are in place and the telephone is ringing once in a while it all seems like a good bang for the buck. But it isn't. It isn't even close. In my opinion it is advertising dollars that are very poorly spent. Not a wise investment.
The search engines have become corporate and their only goal now is to exploit the hyperlink in order to maximize profit for its shareholders. Search engine advertising dollars down the drain into the pockets of both corporations and the best international link manipulators; who work together to encourage exploiting the once useful hyperlink.
Link building is unregulated and the search engine likes it that way. There are no rules determining what constitutes ethical use of of link building and what is unethical. The search engine do spit out guidelines once in a while but they themselves are link exploiters. That's how they make the money! They certainly are in no position to enforce their see-through regulations.
Sadly, Third World nations are becoming dependant on link building as a source of revenue. That's the human cost to all of this.
Then there's the SEO outsourcing. That's just a fancy way of saying we'll throw some cash to a third world entity who can amass and army of linking strategists to copy/paste your hyperlinks all over the Internet. Now this would be cool with me if it didn't infiltrate my child labour concerns, particularly in countries such as India, China and Pakistan.
THINK THINK PEOPLE – where do you want to put your advertising dollars before you just dish it out in your quest for top rankings in the search engines?
Link building - some do get rich but many more burn.
There's 80 million children in this world who are not getting an education. Don't let their dreams, their futures end at the copy/paste level.