How could link wheel be useful for creating backlinks???
could you tell me in detail???

Link wheel is a way to build quality backlinks using web 2.0 properties.We know that the more links point to your site, specially links from quality and authority sites, the higher your blog or website will ranks.

Link Wheel is one of the best concepts to drive traffic to your website and getting better result in SERP. Generally this link wheel concept is used within number of Blogs.

You all have given me different information, it was simple. surely i will make note of it. Thanks a lot for quick response.

I anticipate link wheel is method good to seo for web, your backlinks created on web 2.0, appropriately backlinks index on google faster and help you to quickly improve the position of the search results in search.

Link wheel nowadays is the most effective way to create backlinks

Linkwheel is totally awesome. You can create the most relevant link from high PR web 2.0 site and link to each of them from each of them one by one.

It does works well now!


I am little SEO Expert but I can't know how can make link wheel. can any one help me?

A link wheel is an SEO technique utilizing multiple Web 2.0 blogging platforms to interlink articles, that is one of the most effective ways to target a specific keyword and get to the first page on Google.

Not sure link wheels are as effective as they once were, the search engines have now taken this seo technique into account and are not giving it as much weight as they once were.

Creating a link wheel is a very effective SEO strategy that can be used by anyone to improve the rankings of their sites. Essentially, a link wheel leverages the power of highly ranked Web 2.0 sites to build targeted backlinks back to your sites. This works because certain Web 2.0 properties like Hubpages, Squidoo, WordPress, and others allow you to publish your own content on these sites AND allow you to add your own backlinks to this content as well. Google loves these sites and often times your posted content can rank very well on their own. Getting links to your own site from 5-10 of these types of sites is very powerful, and forms the basis of the link wheel strategy.


i also want to know how to deal it, and make it more power, get hight rank on google, i could do less link per day, how to built hundreds of link?

web 2.0 is one of the best parameter for traffic, link wheeling is the best way to get traffic for your blog. when your linking with another website the content must be same so that you can get a quick traffic.

Link Wheel is the way to build quality backlinks by using Web 2.0 properties. That point links to your site, especially links to quality sites and authority on your blog or website website rank.

Link wheel: getting links/ building links with web 2.0 resources with one link direct to your money/ targeted website and another link to your another web 2.0 site, Make sure your contents must be unique/fresh.

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