
Recently someone informed me about link wheel....For the first time i hear this word.... I don't know what is link wheel in SEO...????....And how can i create a link wheel for my site....I am trying to do SEO for my site.

I cant also have in same question in my mind i read this word in one article any one can able to explain me..... ??

Hey LoginBD & SEOiwc2010, here's a basic understanding of what a link wheel is:

Before I explain it to you, you had better look at this image to get an idea -->


Link wheels power up your pages, they are self-created. They ensure that your sites are indexed very quickly by relying on already well-established websites. These sites evidently place attention to your main website. I hope this helps!

Link wheels were really good a while ago, but now Google seems to ignore them. Try the horseshoe method.


Link Wheel is used to generate more traffic and backlinks to your site. Different sites or blogs that has a link to each other.
For example:
A - B - C - D - A - B - C...

Linkwheel is a powerful SEO and SEM technique that maximizes your backlink potential. It is a great way to get a ton of traffic to your website. These link wheels create backlinks to your main page, which give it a higher search engine ranking.
Linkwheel should be a part of your SEO strategy side by side with article marketing and other powerful techniques.

SNIP The problem with linkwheels is each property needs to be created with a different IP address. And they all have to dofollow. One nofollow link in the wheel messes it all up. I find it better to create a type of T design with my dofollow web 2.0 properties. Once this is done I built them up with links and promote within their various communities. Hubpages can get really powerful if you promote them from within. I created a Hubpage that is PR3. That Hubpage ranks really well just on its own.

yeah, now a days linkwheel is good things to get backlinks, structure is like A -> B -> C-> D -> E -> A like a way...

Creating a link wheel is a very effective SEO strategy that can be used by anyone to improve the rankings of their sites. Essentially, a link wheel leverages the power of highly ranked Web 2.0 sites to build targeted backlinks back to your sites.

link wheel is the steps of powerful SEO that's used to increase traffic and also backlinks.

Hey LoginBD & SEOiwc2010, here's a basic understanding of what a link wheel is:

Before I explain it to you, you had better look at this image to get an idea -->


Link wheels power up your pages, they are self-created. They ensure that your sites are indexed very quickly by relying on already well-established websites. These sites evidently place attention to your main website. I hope this helps!

Many many thanks to you for the image....Now it's easier for me to understant the actual concept of link wheel...

You have one “money site” which is your content site that you want to rank better in Search Engines for the keywords it targets. So you start a link wheel to do so, which basically consists of leveraging multiple web 2.0 sites like Squidoo, EzineArticles, Blogger etc. by creating pages on each of them, linking them all together to build up authority then link each of them to your site.

A Link Wheel is a set of mini sites using Web 2.0 sites. Link wheels take advantage of the ability to create your own webpage on these popular sites.

it's an old tactics in link building once useful and effective but now its not

SEO backlinks building method that involves creating multiple blog posts on multiple different sites and interlinking them in a wheel.

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