I have seen many people ask about the importance of SEO.

I would like to share one article about it -

www buzzle com/articles/seo-importance-in-business html

Give me reviews about it.

Nice article you have share really interesting content and sound.

In my own experiences, well done SEO jobs on a site would lead to high ranking for targeted keywords and generate decent traffics and sales. And, this is the most wanted goal for any Internet marketers. :)


SEO is by far the best FREE marketing technique compilation available. SEO techniques are great for increasing SERPs and eventually, PR. However, people need to understand what is the main function of each of the tactics and what they provide for your site. On that same note, I want to add that unfortunately, too many people claim to be SEO experts after having done their own site, but lack incredibly. I suggest everyone use SEO recommendations as a guide and not as a matter of fact.

Thanks to all for sharing thoughts.

SEO is extremely important if you want to increase SERPs and if you want to increase traffic. The truth is that it is an ongoing process and not everyone that claims to know SEO out there really is SEO savvy. So you must read, learn and apply what best suits your business.

Search engine optimization helps in bringing quality traffic to the website. It is a cost effective way of advertising about your business.

And the most important thing is that easily and quickly one can change the marketing strategy if leads are not generated within sometime.

SEO gives you targeted traffic which is the most important thing. No point having junk traffic from Social sites.

Have read article at buzzle com, very nice content and informative article.

Inbound links are the links which are pointing to your webpage/website from any other source apart from your own website. Inbound links are an important source of increasing your Search Engine Rankings. If you wish to appear in top search engine results for your category, you need to give emphasis on the quality and nature of inbound links

To stay ahead in online business you need to get high ranking in search engines in order to get target traffic to your site. Effective SEO only can help you to achieve that high ranking. Now SEO is getting must to do for all internet marketers.

very good information
thx very much for sharing with us!

Nice information thx for sharing really nice article.

Make the website available in about 300 directories and 90 search
engines and trade forums to build up on number of incoming links to the website. All submissions are done manually including major search
engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. Multiple or repeated submissions
are not necessary as most directories and search engines keep updating themselves using their robots or spiders.

I read the article it is nice and useful for all.

Thanks for sharing information.

thanks for the article.seo can boost or break the business through ranking strategy.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site or a web page

SEO have a lot benefits in a business. It help business grow fast in marketing. It can also help your site and product promoted and generate good numbers of visitors.

SEO is really needed for all types of websites, blogs and forums no matter in which niches and web sectors they are competing. In order to maintain a high quality website which is visited by people on a daily basis using search engines like Google, knowing about search engine optimization is really a necessity and the rewards would be some decent web ranks.

Great article, I think SEO is very important

Nice Resourceful Stuff dude!
Thanks for sharing

commented: Be Advised: do not sig-spam. especially, do not sig-spam the geeks lounge. no one cares about your shit. -1

Hi Uniqueseo

The article described all things related to SEO. It is good to see the importance of SEO in online business.


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