I run a weekly podcast in where during the show notes, I link to other sites' news articles. Except in cases where it may look like advertising, I don't put in a "Nofollow" on the links.

I am not sure if this is helping or hurting my PageRank. My only concern is since May I have a PR of 2. I would at least like to see it at 4.

My site is a Wordpress Blog and I do have the SEO tools plugin installed.

My Question is: Should I be "nofollow"ing these links? Is there a quick block code for nofollow? Of course, due to forum rules I cannot post my website up here, but any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Forget about PageRank and acquiring PR value for your web pages. Pagerank is but one of many indicators the search engine uses in determining positioning of webpages in the search results.

Concentrate on improving your web site's contents. Grow your web site steadily.

I really can do both. PageRank can be a good tool if you embrace it a bit. I don't worry about it too much, but I know it can give me an indication of whether my site needs more attention.

So would you nofollow show notes?

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