Here's my SEO tips for Newbie:

Avoid Bad Coding---Make sure that your we pages are W3C Compliant. Most SEs crawl websites by analyzing the sites code. If web pages has an error, the entire site does not get indexed by the bots, and can result to a lower page rank.

Smart Keyword Placement---Keywords should show in the site title and header pages, it should also be in the web pages body, but avoid doing the keyword density.

Get Inbound Links---avoid paid link backs and too many reciprocal links. Stay away from link schemes.

Here are the basic tips

1) Make sure your keywords appear enough in the total text of your page but not enough to seem like it is spamming.

2) Use an H1 tag with your main keywords and make sure it appears as close to the top of the page as possible.

3) Use Meta tags (meta title, meta description and meta keywords) but don't go overboard with the keywords... use your better judgment. If it looks spammy to you then it will look the same way to the search engine.

4) Use alt tags on all images and include keywords (again stay away from stuffing).

5) Update your pages often... the Search engines love fresh content.

6) Use a sitemap so the Search Engines can find all of your pages.

7) Content, Content, Conent! Search Engines love this and will always rank the site with more content higher.

Try to read more and more from the forums because you learn many things from the experts point of view for website promotion.

I'll throw in a couple.

Avoid anything automated, including dynamically generated pages (although those can perform well if properly structured and free from nesting errors, duplicate tags, repetitious descriptions etc.). When I mean automated I'm talking about link dumping systems, cookie-cutter page generation, submission software that sort of thing.

Check and correct spelling, even in meta tags, alt attributes, title attributes. Whether the text is visible to the Internet visitor or not, spell the stuff correctly. Grammar too. Proper grammar is essential not only for the Internet visitor's experience but for the search engine. The search engine will reward webpages that appear to be intelligently crafted. While on the subject of spelling and grammar, don't overuse a keyphrase. Find synonymous ones, alter verb tenses, pluralize things, use antonyms, use the thesaurus, abbreviations, acronyms ... Intelligently produced content implies that it is important. Important content is much easier to rank than your keyphrase competitor's link-puffed-up mediocrity.

thanks Blackchatseo,
your tips are really very nice. it will be very helpful for me. i'll try them.

nice tips but they are common.nothing different i found in ply only try to post some different and relevant information.thanks don't mind every body.

Thanks for shared this tips ....
It's can useful for me

nice tips but they are only few in no.
i want further info.
plz if you have then also share with me

While I'm going to compeltely try to ignore that his username is BlackHatSEO, I'll throw in a tip that I feel hasn't been mentioned so far.

Build backlinks. Put your website in your signature and post on an active forum related to your content. That's one of the biggest SEO-related tips that I can give. It also brings a fair handful of traffic, too.

Thanks for sharing all the tips everyone. This will save me a lot of time.

One best thing you can do is ensure that you're adding search engine friendly content regularly. Crawlers love fresh content, but just be sure that you're not utilizing duplicates or keyword stuffing.

Get Inbound Links---avoid paid link backs and too many reciprocal links. Stay away from link schemes.

Creating one-way links really helps. You can create one-way links with social bookmarking, forum posting, classified ads, blog commenting and article submission. Just make sure those links are from relevant and DoFollow sites.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing.

Content is the Kings.. That's what is very important.!!

very good information
thx for sharing with us!

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