Bing has a better conversion ratio as compared to Google. However, Bing gets low traffic share as compared to Google, but if you get some click from Bing then it will turn in lead ( on most of the occasions).

The best thing about Bing is that it has a better user interface and gives you a feel of FRESHNESS every single day.

Instead of focusing your optimization entirely on Google, one must concentrate on gaining rankings on other search engines including Bing and Yahoo.

Google Click Fraud rate (on PPC) is far much higher as compared to Bing/Yahoo.

Bing gives preference to few parameters listed below:-

1) Domain Age - Bing gives preference to the age of your domain. Google also gives preference to domain age.

2) On-Page/Off-Page Optimization - Bing gives more preference to On-Page optimization. However, Google gives more preference to off-page optimization. It is best to carefullly do on-page optimization and make sure your keyword density does not go overboard.

Among various on-page optimization factors, TITLE is the most important one. If your keywords are listed in the TITLE then you will get higher rankings on both Google and Bing.

Hi Friends

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Thank you and Good Luck

I must say I agree with you. Although Google has the lions share of search engine traffic, I find that traffic from bing converts at rates comparable to traffic from Google

Unfortunately I think Bing is more susceptible to spam than Google is.

Thanks for the post though, very useful

Bing and Yahoo are also much more susceptible to link schemes like link buying, comment spam, and others. Questionable tactics are much more likely to improve ranking on bing or yahoo, but the risk of Google penalty is seldom worth it.

As an analyst, I have noticed better conversion rates for second iter search engines in the category of Images. Many users have recognized that Bing Image results are more user friendly than Google. As this fact is becoming well known, I expect to see better CTRs.

What I find amazing about this thread is that the initial post was a somewhat rambling mish mash of random thoughts that eventually led to 2 coherent replies that actually provided solid insight. Thank you InsightsDigital and Mackone for the thoughts.

How about Exalead. That is a great Search Engine too. How do you think?

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