Hi everyone,

I have a data base driven joomla website and 772 categories, most of them still empty because the site is new...

I would like Google to only show content pages, for example, I would want this page to be crawled:


but not these pages:


The above pages are empty, just a directory listing and links, would Google see that as duplicate content or will they just quickly crawl them until getting to my content items?

I put very important in the subject field because doing the wrong thing could easily get my banned...:(

Please use the contact form on URL SNIPPED if you have a chance to tell me you have replied to this post, I don't always get notified of replies.


... The above pages are empty, just a directory listing and links, would Google see that as duplicate content or will they just quickly crawl them until getting to my content items?

What is the purpose of this directory? Is it to artificially create importance for the web site or does it serve a practical purpose for the Internet visitor?

Empty. Pages are empty! Don't waste your time with trying to fool Google, build quality content.

What is the purpose of this directory? Is it to artificially create importance for the web site or does it serve a practical purpose for the Internet visitor?

Empty. Pages are empty! Don't waste your time with trying to fool Google, build quality content.

Hi Fred,

Directory is my sitemap,not a spam site, libraries and everything database driven needs to be organized.

What I meant by empty pages is in navigational structure. Too bad this site doesn't allow real URL's to be displayed...then I wouldn't have to waste time explaining what I mean :(

You might have a bag but the bag is empty exept for a pair of shorts in it, but the pair of shorts are also almost empty, but in the pair of shorts there is a wallet. That wallet however is not empty, there is $1000 in there, "Content". But the bag and pair of shorts are mostly empty although the wallet is full.

So as in a website, sections and categories can be empty but content items can be full.

How does Google view that?


... So as in a website, sections and categories can be empty but content items can be full.

How does Google view that?

Google should view it as being of no value. How can it view it as anything else?

Google should view it as being of no value. How can it view it as anything else?

Did you read what I posted?

How can you have a living room full of antiques and works of arts if you have no house?

First the foundation, then the walls, then the roof, then the living room, then the antiques. But the house is empty until you fill it up.

If you have nothing positive to add to this post please refrain from replying!

I'm not a spammer and I know all about content.

But although you preach content? You don't seem to understand what it means!

I'll give you a peice of advice, don't treat fellow forum members as spammers before knowing what they are all about, THAT is content!


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