Don't panic but Apple knows exactly where you are/been

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This week on, Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden revealed their discovery that Apple tracks and saves your location via iOS4 through your iPhone or iPad. This has sent a wripple of concern across the country and many people are demanding to know why Apple stores this info and how they intend to use it.

Apple managed to ruffle the feathers of senator Al Franken who sent a letter directly to Steve Jobs . If you have an iPhone or an iPad I urge you to watch the 20 minute video of Allan and Warden who showcase the possibilities of iOS location tracking. Pay close attention around the 12 minute mark where Allan showcases his travelling behavior graphically, based on the info extracted from his iPhone.[youtube]GynEFV4hsA0[/youtube]Your cell phone provider tracks your location; so do some cars (via GPS); some local law enforcement agencies track your cell data as well . So are you concerned with Apple tracking your every move? Take the survey at the top and write your comments below. This should be an interesting discussion.

sergent commented: Nice news +0
jingda 135 Industrious Poster Featured Poster

That means my macbook is safe from prying eyes. Does off airport in my ipad and iphone help to block those apple guys from tracking where i am.

commented: Sorry +3
jingda 135 Industrious Poster Featured Poster

What are you doing uniqinfotech ?

sergent commented: -1 -1
nickadam 8 Newbie Poster

This is such an amazing useful resource that you’re providing and you give it away for free. I really like seeing websites that perceive the value of providing a quality useful resource for free.

Good work

Ezzaral commented: You do realize your signature doesn't show up on this post right? Spam fail. -3
denysaputra -3 Light Poster

that like many people wanted!

matricol -8 Junior Poster in Training

is that a bad thing ? :)

matricol -8 Junior Poster in Training

That means my macbook is safe from prying eyes. Does off airport in my ipad and iphone help to block those apple guys from tracking where i am.

That means that you have a macbook made for other purposes :) who knows

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