I'm working on this computer for a friend. It's dead in the water; won't turn on. I bought a new power supply hoping the simplest fix would be the answer, but no, no life. So, the next thing to check will be the RAM, then the processor; can't think of anything else that might make the computer a dead doggie. I did check the harddrive, and it is OK. I'm assuming the DVD, CD and floppy are probably alright as well.

Does anyone have an idea for checking the MB, processor and RAM without hardware? This person is strapped for cash so I'm trying to save them as much money as possible.

It's a socket A MB. Thanks for any thoughts on this problem.


I'm working on this computer for a friend. It's dead in the water; won't turn on. I bought a new power supply hoping the simplest fix would be the answer, but no, no life. So, the next thing to check will be the RAM, then the processor; can't think of anything else that might make the computer a dead doggie. I did check the harddrive, and it is OK. I'm assuming the DVD, CD and floppy are probably alright as well.

Does anyone have an idea for checking the MB, processor and RAM without hardware? This person is strapped for cash so I'm trying to save them as much money as possible.

It's a socket A MB. Thanks for any thoughts on this problem.


Pull out all un necessary components that are not required for the computer to turn on (ie pci cards, floppy disks, hard drive, rom drives, etc). Then Pull off the processor heatsink, and take off the processor and clean it all off, put some fresh paste on it, and put it back in the socket. Make sure the processor is firmly placed on on all sides. Then, pull out the ram sticks, blow out the slots, and try just one stick at a time, in different slots. If it doesnt make any sound at all, (ie fans trying to spin up) then its hard to say whether or not is the processor or motherboard. Is there a light on the motherboard though? Does it beep when you hit the power button, are there any colors around the power button?

Sometimes, resetting the CMOS can help. Remove the CMOS battery and leave the mobo for 10-15 minutes. Re insert the battery and see if this helps.

Some models may have a CMOS reset jumper. Try to short this jumper and the CMOS should clear itself.

Else, as nizzy suggested, check to make sure the CPU is seated firmly, theres no dust on any sockets and the RAM is plugged in firmly. Then, leave only the VGA card, one RAM stick plugged in and see if the system powers up.

roflmao, your car does not start so you replace the battery, it still does not start so you replace the starter, then the alternator, voltage regulator etc etc etc. why would you replace the power supply without testing it? save yourself and your friend time and money as well as electrocution and take it to the shop or buy a new computer. learn how to do brain surgery before attempting it :p

check to see if the power switch or reset switch is stuck. otherwise, unplug everything except the bare essentials and work your way back from there. leave only the cpu, video card and ram attached and see if the PC powers on.

Check the dates. This thread dates back to 2006.

commented: haha, totally overlooked that one. thanks! +6

Read the dates blokes. Thread is 5 years old!

commented: OMG! A lizard is angry +8
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