
I have a 15inch tft which is running off a Geforce2 MX400 64mb. I have a problem in that I can't really see any text when the computer boots up in the bios screen, the whole screen is too dark to do anything with, outwith windows xp. I have got around the problem by putting up the gamma on my card using the nvidia colour correction tool. and can see everything normally. But I don't know how to put up the gamma in linux, plus i would be nice to be able to yse the monitor for tweaking around in the bios without haveing to change the monitor. I've tried changing the contrast and brightness on the monitor but this makes no difference. Is the backlight going or something becuase i have run out of ideas.




I have a 15inch tft which is running off a Geforce2 MX400 64mb. I have a problem in that I can't really see any text when the computer boots up in the bios screen, the whole screen is too dark to do anything with, outwith windows xp. I have got around the problem by putting up the gamma on my card using the nvidia colour correction tool. and can see everything normally. But I don't know how to put up the gamma in linux, plus i would be nice to be able to yse the monitor for tweaking around in the bios without haveing to change the monitor. I've tried changing the contrast and brightness on the monitor but this makes no difference. Is the backlight going or something becuase i have run out of ideas.



How bad is it when it boots to windows? if the back light was going out it would almost look like there was nothing on the screen unless you were in a really dark room.

The screen is pretty dark unless the gamma is up. The screen sometimes flickers and the whole display will go bright and stay that way for a while. when i put the gamma down when it's like this the picture is absoulutly perfect not too dark or too light. When the screen goes back to being dark again though I have to put the gamma level back up so I can see what I'm doing. It is usable but when I go into the Award Bios all I can see is the text, none of the blue apart from when the screen flickers and I can see everything as normal then but then it'll go back to being too dark again so I can only see the text. When the screen flickers it's like when a discharge lamp is starting up or when it is about to blow, which is why I think the backlight may be going.

The screen is pretty dark unless the gamma is up. The screen sometimes flickers and the whole display will go bright and stay that way for a while. when i put the gamma down when it's like this the picture is absoulutly perfect not too dark or too light. When the screen goes back to being dark again though I have to put the gamma level back up so I can see what I'm doing. It is usable but when I go into the Award Bios all I can see is the text, none of the blue apart from when the screen flickers and I can see everything as normal then but then it'll go back to being too dark again so I can only see the text. When the screen flickers it's like when a discharge lamp is starting up or when it is about to blow, which is why I think the backlight may be going.

ive seen a few things similar to this, on the back of the lcd there is a ribbon that attaches to the lcd that gives it the back light...it could be slightly loose which is giving you intermident working. Take the few screws off around the screen and carefully pry the two plactic pieces apart and you should see what im talking about...let me know if this works

i'll try this but i just hope my lcd won't screw up

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