Hey everybody!
I recently have been having a problem where if i try to watch a dvd on my laptop it will freeze and then give me a blue screen saying the system was caught in an infinite loop caused by the file "Ialmrnt5", one of my display drivers. This happens in windows media player and in intervideo windvd, with various dvds and persists on updating my dvd and display drivers. I tried system restore without effect and can think of nothing i've done which might cause this. I'm running a satellite pro a10, 2Ghz Intel celeron notebook on xp home with 1gig of RAM.
The display drivers are Intel 82252/82255 gm/gme. Any help or information would be appreciated! thanks!

I can't give you much help, but the "Ialmrnt5" is a display driver. The solution should be to download the latest Intel graphics driver. BUT ... I looked on the Intel website
and could not find any information about the display drivers you listed 82252GM/82255GME. Either Intel does not support them because they are too old, or you have the numbers wrong.

You were right about the display driver. you're also probably right about the tech support. I can't even find satellite pro A10 on the website so i suppose i got what i deserved buying a cheap laptop through my university.
I rolled by display back to the very earliest ones i had and the problem went away. Thanks for the reply!

Marking this thread solved. Glad you can now enjoy your DVDs :)

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