I just got a new XFX Geforce FX 5200 128mb video card. For some reason, when I put in my new card and turn on the computer, the monitor shows nothing. It is as if it does not recognize that my card is in. The monitor works fine with the other card, so I don't think it is a monitor problem. One thing is that I got a video cable with my card that I am not using; I don't know what it is supposed to connect to! I went into the BIOS to change primary video slot to AGP/onboard, but that didn't help. Any ideas?

Thanks a ton!

Hi punky. What is the make and model of your motherboard please?

I recently had the same thing happen when trying to install a GeForce4 Ti4200 card in a system to replace the onboard video for a friend.

Turned out that the BIOS needed to be updated before the card could be recognised correctly. The same might be the case for you, depending on the motherboard in your system. You may need to download and correctly install a BIOS flash upgrade.

Other than that, check that the card is firmly seated in the slot and that connectors are firmly attached. Also reset CMOS (by removing and replacing the CMOS battery if necessary) and try again.

Catweazle, thanks a lot for your reply. I opened up my computer to check the motherboard model and I think I got it. If this is wrong then I have no idea where the number is. Here's what I found:
VIA (company name)

If it is a CMOS problem, I might as well give up because I had no idea what CMOS meant until I looked it up on Google a few minutes ago.

I bet it is a BIOS problem. Some other people told me it might be a BIOS problem but I don't know much about BIOS either. I heard that if you download the wrong update it could screw up your computer, so I put that idea aside. I have a Phoenix Version 6.0, if that means anything to you. Anyway, do you have any idea where I could download an update for free?

Also, do you know if I need to do something with the cable that came with the card?

I really appreciate the help!

Good try, but that doesn't really help. VT6307 identifies one of the controller chips on the motherboard but not the board itself.

Is the computer a 'Brand name' one? If so, what is the make and model of the PC? That would help.If it's a recognised product line, the specific number is needed as well. e.g. 'HP Pavilion' is inadequate but 'HP Pavilion 6000' would identify the PC.

If it's not a 'brand name' PC then install and run Everest Home Edition.

Run it and report back what the tool identifies the motherboard as please.

CMOS is the memory chip that holds your BIOS settings. It's powered by a (usually round) battery on the motherboard. If you remove the battery, wait a few minutes or longer for residual charge to trickle away, and then replace the battery the BIOS settings will be reset to factory presets. That process does a better job than setting defaults in BIOS Setup.

A BIOS problem is specifically what I referred to above. BIOS updates have to be obtained for the specific motherboard in the system, which is why we're trying to identify it. 'Flashing' the wrong BIOS update can stuff the motherboard for good. The update will have to be downloaded from either the system manufacturer (if a name brand PC) or the motherboard manufacturer (if not a brand nbame PC).

The cable which came with your card is an S-Video cable. You don't need to use it unless you're using TV-out to a TV with S-Video input.

Thnaks again, Catweazle. I am still not sure exctly what info you need so I am going to give as much as I can. My computer is an HP Pavillion a420n (that's what it says on the front of the tower). 2.16 GH, 448 M of RAM, AMD Athlon XP 3000+.
Thanks again!

That number is your XP serial number and probably not something you should post.

If you can still edit your post and remove it good ..
If not maybe Catweasle can edit it for you.

Thanks. Removed - Catweazle

That HP Pavilion has an Asus motherboard which is specially made for HP. There is a BIOS update available here.

I'm unsure if the update adresses the problem you are having. It will contain previous updates, but the only item mentioned is a logo problem. I was unable to determine from the Asus website if earlier revisions addressed a graphics card problem. In any case, as the BIOS for the HP system is proprietary, you can only use a BIOS update downloaded from HP.

Can't hurt to try it, but be sure to print out the instructions and follow them TO THE LETTER! A failed BIOS update could render your system inoperable.

Before you install the BIOS update, reset CMOS. Power down and remove the power cord. Open the case and locate the CLRTC jumper which is near the corner of the motherboard beside the CMOS battery. It will have 3 pins and a jumper cap attached to two of them. With the power off, use needle-nose pliers to remove the cap, and refit it to 'short' the other two pins. (e.g. if it's bridging pins 2 and 3, fit it to pins 1 and 2).

Wait several seconds, then replace it as it was before.

That process physically resets BIOS settings to factory defaults.

Hope it all helps.

Before you install the BIOS update, reset CMOS.

Isn't that supposed to be done after the update? :confused:

I prefer to do that before installing a BIOS update. If settings have been altered by the user, particularly if they relate to overclocking, it can screw up the update install. Resetting before updating eliminates that possibility.

I prefer to do that before installing a BIOS update. If settings have been altered by the user, particularly if they relate to overclocking, it can screw up the update install. Resetting before updating eliminates that possibility.

Ah yes, I forgot about overclocking. :o

Besides which, the BIOS update install should leave BIOS at default settings anyway.

It's usually you who catches me out rushing or napping. I'm enjoying this :D

Besides which, the BIOS update install should leave BIOS at default settings anyway.

I don't think it does - I seem to remember settings staying the same on boards I flash (when I forget to reset it). Plus, if memory serves me correctly, I had to perform a CMOS clear on my Abit IC7 before a new SATA option showed up.

I might do a BIOS update myself to confirm the above. :D

Catweazle, are you sure that this BIOS update is the right one for my computer? I really do not want to risk screwing up my whole system because of my video card.

punkyg0608, if you've accurately reported the model number of your HP Pavilion then I'm sure that's the correct BIOS update. If you look closely at the download page, across the top it says

BIOS update for A7V8X-LA motherboard

HP Pavilion a420n Desktop PC

The only thing I'm unsure about is if this update will correct your problem with the display card. HP's documentation gives no information about that aspect, and I've been unable to get any confirmation from Asus.

Hey guys, I figured it out. Thanks a lot for all the help, but inout it was a simple connection problem. I need to plug the monitor directly into the video card, not into the back of the tower. It turns out that my "old video card" is actually a modem. Thanks anyway!

Thank you for reporting back on that. Trying to run the monitor from a modem is, of course, not something we'd envisage as a probable cause of your difficulties! :D

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