I don't know if I'm in the right place or not...but I want to change the video card in my computer but have no idea how to go about this....can anyone help???? Thank you! :rolleyes:

Right-click My Computer and choose Properties. Locate Device Manager (on the Hardware Tab) and then select the entry for your display card. Right-click it and choose Uninstall.

Do not reboot if prompted.

In Control Panel, locate any entries for Display drivers and Remove them.

Shut down and remove power cord or switch off powr at the wall outlet.

Open up the PC case, remove old display card and insert new one. Close up the case and powwer up.

Cancel out of any 'Found new hardware' dialogue.

Install display card drivers from installation CD or from downloaded driver installation.

If the card is NVidia based the best device driver to use is the latest version downloaded from www.nvidia.com

If using an ATi based card the best device driver to use is the latest version downloaded from www.ati.com

Ideally, those drivers should be downloaded and stored on your hard drive BEFORE making the change. They will be executable files, which simply need to be double clicked to install the card.

Thank you! Now how do I determine which kind to buy...I mean...I heard that you have to check whether you have PCI or AGP....how do I check to see which one I need to get? Thank you very much for responding!

If you could tell us more about your PC, who makes it, what its modle number is.


There's no way to be certain if your PC has an AGP slot for AGP display cards other than to open the case and look. Motherboards can have an AGP bus without having an aAGP slot, if the onboard video uses AGP. The AGP slot is set back further than PCI slots, as shown here.


If your motherboard actually has one, download and use Everest Home Edition and/or CPU-Z and let us know what make and model your motherboard is reported as. We'll be able to tell you what sort of AGP card would be suitable to use. Some older motherboards are not suited to modern AGP cards, and require older ones.

I have an HP.....Windows XP.....trying to play Leisure Suit Larry the new one and get a box pop up that says: Your video card appears to lack hardware transform and lighting support. The game is unlikely to run correctly. Do you wish to continue? I did continue and let's me play the game but it's choppy and looks like a scrambled channel you get on your tv for pay per view when you don't pay for it. lol...anyhow....I figure I better go ahead and get a new one if I continue to buy the new games. My computer is only about a year old...it has Intel (R) 82865G Graphics Controller. Does this help you?

It says I have an Intel Pentium 4, 2800 MHz (14 x 200)

Asus P4SD-LA

Is this it?

Tell us the HP model name then please. A quick check of specifications should do the trick. It will be something like 'HP Pavilion somenumber' or somesuch,

HP Pavilion a434n

Is this it?

OK, that was enough. It has an AGP 8X slot, so any recent AGP card will be fine.

Now could you tell us what purposes you want to use the PC for, so an appropriately capable card can be advised.

I like to play games on the PC.....I figure I might as well change it if I want to play new games and the ones coming out in the future. good idea?

I want a card that's going to fix this transform and lighting thing? Any suggestions? :confused:

You should be looking at an NVidia based 6600GT card at minimum if 3D games are the object of the exercise. Although you can purchase cheaper, they provide really good performance at an affordable price. Anything less will disappoint you in the longer term ;)

Thank you so much for your help. I will see what I can find now...any suggestions on where to look on the web?

That would depend on where you live. I'm in Australia, and my own favourite shopping places might not suit you :D

I'm in USA...Ohio....so I guess I better look here huh? Thank you all the way to Australia!

I'm in the USA...Ohio....Thank you all the way to Australia!!!!!!!

I'm in the USA...thank you!!!!!! I will see what I can find!

Should be able to get a 6600GT for somewhere in the vicinity of $US200 I'd imagine.

I think I have found one...$165.00 ....hmmmmmm...gonna keep looking though....128 MB......should I look for one with the higher MB?

BTW, Catweazle said to look for a 6600GT minimum. So if you want another one that is a bit better it is also good. It just depends on your budget.

Suggested cards:
Nvidia: 6600gt, any 6800 card
ATI: any x800 or x850 card

128MB is enough for most games today. If you dont plan to upgrade or change computer too soon, 256MB would be good for upcoming games. Today only DOOM 3 can really take advantage of the extra memory (needs 512mb for graphics at ultra high).

I'm in the USA...Ohio....Thank you all the way to Australia!!!!!!!

Suzie depending on where you live in ohio, there are a number of computer shops here.

If you are ok with ordering online newegg.com is a great site :)

I'd like to point out, TechMaster, that quite a few of the display cards listed in that guide can no longer be purchased, in most places, as they are discontinued items.

It is also not up to date with regard to current high end cards.

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