Do you iPhone, take thy owner... until battery death do you part?

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In a press release issued today, a new website and service is introduced that moves us one step closer to human-device equality. Yes, now you can marry your iPhone, iPod or iPad. Although it may seem like an April fools joke, the website is actually a clever way to attract new potential subscribers to iPhone Life Magazine .

I am proud to say that in a brief, albeit glorious ceremony this morning, my iPad and I have tied the proverbial knot: Mazel Tov!

jingda 135 Industrious Poster Featured Poster

Well, i am sure to visit it. Hope you marriage last long. Haha

Member Avatar for W1ND0W5

So, this is basically an affair on a stick?

jingda 135 Industrious Poster Featured Poster

You could asy so w1ndows

krish143 0 Newbie Poster

In a press release issued today, a new website and service is introduced that moves us one step closer to human-device equality. Yes, now you can marry your iPhone, iPod or iPad. Although it may seem like an April fools joke, the website is actually a clever way to attract new potential subscribers to iPhone Life Magazine.

I am proud to say that in a brief, albeit glorious ceremony this morning, my iPad and I have tied the proverbial knot:[ATTACH]20361[/ATTACH]Mazel Tov!

very funny, i am waiting for this occasion.

krish143 0 Newbie Poster

very funny, i am waiting for this occasion.

nickadam 8 Newbie Poster

An excellent write-up with good points, We have been a lurker right here for quite a while but hope to become much more engaged in the future.

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