I'm the owner of a computer repair shop. I have a degree in Computer Engineering Technology along with several certifications and am well versed in PC and notebook repair; it is how I make my living. I have been being asked on an increasingly more often rate if I repair Macs. I have never personally used a Mac and the only Apple product I own is an iPod Touch. I would like to somehow transition into incorporating Mac repair into my business. What would be the best way for me to learn? I realize that I should probably buy a Mac just to learn how to use it but are there any good websites with tutorials, maybe even video tutorials on the subject? I have Googled this on many occasions and the best thing I've found is this:


However, this helps with hardware if you don't know how computer hardware interacts and the roles each piece plays. What I really need is to understand how to solve software related problems and how to recognize from the OS when it is a hardware problem; similar to how I am versed with a Windows-based system. Maybe it is not as difficult of a transition as I am thinking but it remains an area of the unknown to me and I would prefer to know before I waste an excessive amount of precious time for nothing.

Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

If you want to repair mac you definitely must have a mac to experience with. I suggest you go and buy a macbook and learn how to use. When you buy a macbook, it come with a user guide, read finish the whole book. Or you can go to


Need more help just post, i am willing to help you but first get a macnook.

Good luck,

If your problem is solved can you please mark the thread as solved. You can do that by going to the bottom. Thanks, i appreciate it.

commented: Perhaps you should start by offerring descent advice instead of pushing everyone into marking their threads solved -3

I thought maybe there would be some future offerings from others but since you're so sensitive...

Oh, i am sorry billbo72. Is just that you have not respond for the past few days so i thought your problem was solved

Well, solutions come in many forms. I was hoping someone would come along and have some handy information regarding the subject. I'm open to any and all input. I didn't realize it was necessary to mark the thread as solved. In fact, I received an email from daniweb asking me to post something to help drive traffic to their site. I figured that would be a question that may show up in google search results and do just that. If my question/intentions aren't appreciated, I can withdraw my participation. I just felt like I was helping out as well as opening myself up for some new information.

commented: Thanks for trying to help. Some new folk are trying to gain points at knowledge expense. +5

Im sorry for bringing up a solved thread but i do believe that there are courses that you should take to become a liscensed apple repair shop. apple doesnt really like when other people crack open their machines and although you do just the same quality work that a apple shop would do they could void the warranty on it just because a "trained" repair person had not done it. im not sure about how to go about it though

Actually, I wouldn't call it solved because I'm sure there's more information available, kind of like what you posted, that can be added for others to view. You're correct. However, ANY computer opened by anyone other than the manufacturer or "authorized service technicians" voids the warranty while it is under warranty. I rarely get warranty work unless it's one of my refurb units while it is under my warranty. People take there warrantied products to Authorized Service Centers. It is usually after the warranty expires that we computer shop owners get calls about their computers having problems. Still, what you mention there about becoming Apple Certified has merit and is a possibility so, thanks.

Billbo 72, your idea of transition from repairing pcs to macs is good, i encourage you on that. You may want to sign up for mac classes before you repair mac. Go and buy a mac book pro as it is faster than the rest of the macbooks. If you want to operate on the macbook, you must be qualified as an apple service technician, you ca achieved that by going for the exam to qualified but first you must have basic knowledge on how to use a macbook. Good luck, after you have your mac and experience any problem tell me i will help you solve it. Some tips if you want to take the exam, they will ask you to take the bottom cover off the mac off and tell them the different parts and how to repair each parts. Basically the exam is easy if you pay attention during the mac lesson. Good Luck once again

Thanks to all for your input. I haven't bought a Macbook but I have purchased an older iMac for the purpose of becoming accustomed to the GUI. I'm familiar with the file system as I have done Suse Linux Enterprise Server administration. However, as I stated, the GUI is completely foreign to me as I worked mostly with command line in SLES. But I am going to use the resources discussed here and try to learn as much as I can and take that recommendation for certification. If anyone else has anything new to add, I'll keep checking back. Thanks again.

if there are any problems tell me. I have used a mac for 2 years and now i have the latest version, i am familiar with the command all these, you want me to coach you. For windows the default command is the control button but for mac it is the command button. for example you want to copy a link press command and c, windows is control and c.

Go and enrol in a mac taning course or lesson first. If what the trainer or teacher teach you and you don't understand, post here i will help you understand it more clearly. I am always willing to help

I also recommend some exploration of the Apple website. Of course that the main intention is to sell and convert you into an apple-fan ans it is full of hype, but is also full of useful information, specially the support tab. You can even get an Apple ID (it's free). There's no catch, take into account the more wide-spread Apple support and services are, will be easier for Apple to sell it's devices and software with client confidence; that's why Apple efforts so hard to foment Apple technicians.

Other good source of info is OWC site (Other World Computing), they have documents and videos on HOWTOs (they specialize on Mac plataforms).

And maybe the most advisable: visit and read all the forums about the Mac you can. Most of the Mac problems are software-related, and it's very important to understand the relations software-hardware that supports it. Just google "Mac forums". The forums in Apple are good, the one I like the most is the DaniWeb forums.
From there you can jump to training courses, seminars and even certifications.

I've just found this website focused on videotutorials. They have almost everything!, I think it is what Bilbo72 is looking for, but it's real useful for all of us (MacFan, PC user, developer, etc). It is a paid service, however: www.lynda.com

Thanks, ilariano. I've actually used lynda.com for many nice video tutorials in the past. It has been a long time and I had forgotten all about it. Thanks! I'll check into it!

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